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Summer2021 / 210460545
Apache License 2.0Apache ECharts graph series support for dragging nodes;Apache ECharts 关系图支持拖动数据点
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Summer2021 / 210460543
Apache License 2.0Apache ECharts circular references to the graph series;Apache ECharts 关系图节点自身的循环引用
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Mapping FE field validation rules against jsonschema validation rules provided by the BE 【根据后端提供的 jsonschema 校验规则映射前端字段的校验规则】
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Summer2021 / 210460548
Apache License 2.0Apache ECharts interleaved coordinate axis labels to optimize label overlap;Apache ECharts 坐标轴标签实现交错显示从而优化标签的重叠问题
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Summer2021 / 210460544
Apache License 2.0Graph charts can be configured to not scaling automatically;关系图可配置是否自动缩放成视图大小