From ee2df41b8a951c8302d76cb6c96adfda9489fc70 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Juncheng <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2021 14:28:07 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Add unique.cuh (#5487)

* Add unique.cuh

* CHECK workspace_size

Co-authored-by: oneflow-ci-bot <>
 oneflow/core/cuda/unique.cuh               | 245 +++++++++++++++++++++
 oneflow/user/kernels/ | 130 ++---------
 2 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 114 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 oneflow/core/cuda/unique.cuh

diff --git a/oneflow/core/cuda/unique.cuh b/oneflow/core/cuda/unique.cuh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a49a5885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oneflow/core/cuda/unique.cuh
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+Copyright 2020 The OneFlow Authors. All rights reserved.
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+#include <cub/cub.cuh>
+#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
+#include "oneflow/core/common/permutation_iterator.h"
+#include "oneflow/core/common/not_equal_to_previous_adjacent_iterator.h"
+namespace oneflow {
+namespace cuda {
+namespace unique {
+using Flag = uint32_t;
+static constexpr Flag kDefault = 0x0;
+static constexpr Flag kInputSorted = 0x1;
+static constexpr Flag kOutputInverseIndices = 0x1 << 1;
+static constexpr Flag kOutputCounts = 0x1 << 2;
+namespace {
+constexpr size_t kCudaAlignSize = 512;
+__device__ __host__ __forceinline__ size_t GetCudaAlignedSize(size_t size) {
+  return (size + kCudaAlignSize - 1) / kCudaAlignSize * kCudaAlignSize;
+template<typename T>
+__device__ __host__ __forceinline__ T* PtrOffset(void* ptr, size_t offset) {
+  return reinterpret_cast<T*>(reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(ptr) + offset);
+__device__ __host__ __forceinline__ size_t max(size_t a, size_t b) { return a > b ? a : b; }
+template<typename Key, typename Index>
+cudaError_t DoUnique(size_t n, const Key* sorted_in, Key* unique, Index* num_unique,
+                     void* workspace, size_t* workspace_size, cudaStream_t stream) {
+  size_t ws = *workspace_size;
+  cudaError_t err = cub::DeviceSelect::Unique<const Key*, Key*, Index*>(
+      workspace, ws, sorted_in, unique, num_unique, n, stream);
+  if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+  if (*workspace_size == 0) { *workspace_size = ws; }
+  return cudaSuccess;
+template<typename Key, typename Index>
+cudaError_t DoUniqueWithCounts(size_t n, const Key* sorted_in, Key* unique, Index* num_unique,
+                               Index* counts, void* workspace, size_t* workspace_size,
+                               cudaStream_t stream) {
+  size_t ws = *workspace_size;
+  cudaError_t err = cub::DeviceRunLengthEncode::Encode<const Key*, Key*, Index*, Index*>(
+      workspace, ws, sorted_in, unique, counts, num_unique, n, stream);
+  if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+  if (*workspace_size == 0) { *workspace_size = ws; }
+  return cudaSuccess;
+template<typename Key, typename Index>
+cudaError_t DispatchOutputCounts(Flag flag, size_t n, const Key* sorted_in, Key* unique,
+                                 Index* num_unique, Index* counts, void* workspace,
+                                 size_t* workspace_size, cudaStream_t stream) {
+  size_t ws = *workspace_size;
+  if ((flag & kOutputCounts) != 0) {
+    cudaError_t err = DoUniqueWithCounts<Key, Index>(n, sorted_in, unique, num_unique, counts,
+                                                     workspace, &ws, stream);
+    if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+  } else {
+    cudaError_t err =
+        DoUnique<Key, Index>(n, sorted_in, unique, num_unique, workspace, &ws, stream);
+    if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+  }
+  if (*workspace_size == 0) { *workspace_size = ws; }
+  return cudaSuccess;
+template<typename Key, typename Index, typename InverseIndicesIter>
+cudaError_t DoGenInverseIndices(size_t n, const Key* sorted_in,
+                                InverseIndicesIter inverse_indices_iter, void* workspace,
+                                size_t* workspace_size, cudaStream_t stream) {
+  size_t ws = *workspace_size;
+  NotEqualToPreviousAdjacentIterator<Index, Key> unique_counting_iter(sorted_in, 0);
+  cudaError_t err =
+      cub::DeviceScan::InclusiveSum<decltype(unique_counting_iter), InverseIndicesIter>(
+          workspace, ws, unique_counting_iter, inverse_indices_iter, n, stream);
+  if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+  if (*workspace_size == 0) { *workspace_size = ws; }
+  return cudaSuccess;
+template<typename Key, typename Index, typename InverseIndicesIter>
+cudaError_t DispatchOutputInverseIndices(Flag flag, size_t n, const Key* sorted_in, Key* unique,
+                                         Index* num_unique, InverseIndicesIter inverse_indices_iter,
+                                         Index* counts, void* workspace, size_t* workspace_size,
+                                         cudaStream_t stream) {
+  size_t dispatch_with_counts_ws = *workspace_size;
+  size_t do_gen_inverse_indices_ws = *workspace_size;
+  {
+    cudaError_t err =
+        DispatchOutputCounts<Key, Index>(flag, n, sorted_in, unique, num_unique, counts, workspace,
+                                         &dispatch_with_counts_ws, stream);
+    if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+  }
+  if ((flag & kOutputInverseIndices) != 0) {
+    cudaError_t err = DoGenInverseIndices<Key, Index, InverseIndicesIter>(
+        n, sorted_in, inverse_indices_iter, workspace, &do_gen_inverse_indices_ws, stream);
+    if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+  }
+  if (*workspace_size == 0) {
+    *workspace_size = max(dispatch_with_counts_ws, do_gen_inverse_indices_ws);
+  }
+  return cudaSuccess;
+template<typename T>
+__global__ void IotaKernel(size_t n, T* out) {
+  for (T i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x, step = blockDim.x * gridDim.x; i < n;
+       i += step) {
+    out[i] = i;
+  }
+template<typename Key, typename Index>
+cudaError_t DoSort(size_t n, const Key* in, Key* sorted, Index* sorted_indices, void* workspace,
+                   size_t* workspace_size, cudaStream_t stream) {
+  Index* indices;
+  const size_t indices_size = GetCudaAlignedSize(n * sizeof(Index));
+  void* sort_workspace;
+  size_t sort_ws;
+  if (*workspace_size == 0) {
+    indices = nullptr;
+    sort_workspace = nullptr;
+    sort_ws = 0;
+  } else {
+    if (*workspace_size <= indices_size) { return cudaErrorInvalidValue; }
+    indices = PtrOffset<Index>(workspace, 0);
+    sort_workspace = PtrOffset<Index>(workspace, indices_size);
+    sort_ws = *workspace_size - indices_size;
+  }
+  if (*workspace_size != 0) {
+    const int block_size = 1024;
+    const int num_blocks = static_cast<int>((n + block_size - 1) / block_size);
+    IotaKernel<Index><<<num_blocks, block_size, 0, stream>>>(n, indices);
+  }
+  cudaError_t err = cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairs<Key, Index>(
+      sort_workspace, sort_ws, in, sorted, indices, sorted_indices, n, 0, sizeof(Key) * 8, stream);
+  if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+  if (*workspace_size == 0) { *workspace_size = indices_size + sort_ws; }
+  return cudaSuccess;
+template<typename Key, typename Index>
+cudaError_t DispatchInputSorted(Flag flag, size_t n, const Key* in, Key* unique, Index* num_unique,
+                                Index* inverse_indices, Index* counts, void* workspace,
+                                size_t* workspace_size, cudaStream_t stream) {
+  if ((flag & kInputSorted) != 0) {
+    return DispatchOutputInverseIndices<Key, Index, Index*>(flag, n, in, unique, num_unique,
+                                                            inverse_indices, counts, workspace,
+                                                            workspace_size, stream);
+  } else {
+    const size_t sorted_in_size = GetCudaAlignedSize(n * sizeof(Key));
+    const size_t sorted_indices_size = GetCudaAlignedSize(n * sizeof(Index));
+    const size_t sort_buffer_size = sorted_in_size + sorted_indices_size;
+    Key* sorted_in;
+    Index* sorted_indices;
+    size_t do_sort_ws;
+    void* do_sort_workspace;
+    size_t do_inverse_indices_ws;
+    void* do_inverse_indices_workspace;
+    if (*workspace_size == 0) {
+      sorted_in = nullptr;
+      sorted_indices = nullptr;
+      do_sort_ws = 0;
+      do_sort_workspace = nullptr;
+      do_inverse_indices_ws = 0;
+      do_inverse_indices_workspace = nullptr;
+    } else {
+      if (*workspace_size <= sort_buffer_size) { return cudaErrorInvalidValue; }
+      sorted_in = PtrOffset<Key>(workspace, 0);
+      sorted_indices = PtrOffset<Index>(workspace, sorted_in_size);
+      do_sort_ws = *workspace_size - sort_buffer_size;
+      do_sort_workspace = PtrOffset<void>(workspace, sort_buffer_size);
+      do_inverse_indices_ws = do_sort_ws;
+      do_inverse_indices_workspace = do_sort_workspace;
+    }
+    {
+      cudaError_t err = DoSort<Key, Index>(n, in, sorted_in, sorted_indices, do_sort_workspace,
+                                           &do_sort_ws, stream);
+      if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+    }
+    PermutationIterator<Index, Index*, Index*> inverse_indices_iter(inverse_indices,
+                                                                    sorted_indices);
+    {
+      cudaError_t err = DispatchOutputInverseIndices<Key, Index, decltype(inverse_indices_iter)>(
+          flag, n, sorted_in, unique, num_unique, inverse_indices_iter, counts,
+          do_inverse_indices_workspace, &do_inverse_indices_ws, stream);
+      if (err != cudaSuccess) { return err; }
+    }
+    if (*workspace_size == 0) {
+      *workspace_size = sort_buffer_size + max(do_sort_ws, do_inverse_indices_ws);
+    }
+    return cudaSuccess;
+  }
+}  // namespace
+template<typename Key, typename Index>
+cudaError_t Launch(Flag flag, size_t n, const Key* in, Key* unique, Index* num_unique,
+                   Index* inverse_indices, Index* counts, void* workspace, size_t workspace_size,
+                   cudaStream_t stream) {
+  if (workspace_size == 0) { return cudaErrorInvalidValue; }
+  return DispatchInputSorted<Key, Index>(flag, n, in, unique, num_unique, inverse_indices, counts,
+                                         workspace, &workspace_size, stream);
+template<typename Key, typename Index>
+cudaError_t GetWorkspaceSize(Flag flag, size_t n, size_t* workspace_size) {
+  *workspace_size = 0;
+  return DispatchInputSorted<Key, Index>(flag, n, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
+                                         nullptr, workspace_size, 0);
+}  // namespace unique
+}  // namespace cuda
+}  // namespace oneflow
diff --git a/oneflow/user/kernels/ b/oneflow/user/kernels/
index 7f6c750d8..5248af5ec 100644
--- a/oneflow/user/kernels/
+++ b/oneflow/user/kernels/
@@ -14,93 +14,15 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
 #include "oneflow/user/kernels/unique_kernel_util.h"
-#include <cub/cub.cuh>
-#include <device_launch_parameters.h>
-#include "oneflow/core/common/permutation_iterator.h"
-#include "oneflow/core/common/not_equal_to_previous_adjacent_iterator.h"
+#include "oneflow/core/cuda/unique.cuh"
 namespace oneflow {
 namespace {
-template<typename T>
-struct Buffer final {
-  T* ptr = nullptr;
-  size_t size_in_bytes = 0;
-template<typename T>
-int64_t GetTempBufferSize(int64_t n) {
-  return GetCudaAlignedSize(n * sizeof(T));
-template<typename KEY, typename IDX>
-int64_t GetCubSortTempStorageSize(int64_t n) {
-  size_t cub_sort_temp_store_size = 0;
-  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairs<KEY, IDX>(nullptr, cub_sort_temp_store_size,
-                                                           nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, n)));
-  CHECK_GE(cub_sort_temp_store_size, 0);
-  CHECK_LT(cub_sort_temp_store_size, GetMaxVal<int64_t>());
-  return GetCudaAlignedSize(static_cast<int64_t>(cub_sort_temp_store_size));
-template<typename KEY, typename IDX>
-int64_t GetCubScanTempStorageSize(int64_t n) {
-  size_t cub_scan_temp_store_size = 0;
-  NotEqualToPreviousAdjacentIterator<IDX, KEY> unique_counting_iter(nullptr, 0);
-  PermutationIterator<IDX, IDX*, IDX*> remapping_iter(nullptr, nullptr);
-  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cub::DeviceScan::InclusiveSum<NotEqualToPreviousAdjacentIterator<IDX, KEY>,
-                                               PermutationIterator<IDX, IDX*, IDX*>>(
-      nullptr, cub_scan_temp_store_size, unique_counting_iter, remapping_iter, n)));
-  CHECK_GE(cub_scan_temp_store_size, 0);
-  CHECK_LT(cub_scan_temp_store_size, GetMaxVal<int64_t>());
-  return GetCudaAlignedSize(static_cast<int64_t>(cub_scan_temp_store_size));
-template<typename KEY, typename IDX>
-int64_t GetCubRleTempStorageSize(int64_t n) {
-  size_t cub_rle_temp_store_size = 0;
-  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cub::DeviceRunLengthEncode::Encode<KEY*, KEY*, IDX*, int64_t*>(
-      nullptr, cub_rle_temp_store_size, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, n)));
-  CHECK_GE(cub_rle_temp_store_size, 0);
-  CHECK_LT(cub_rle_temp_store_size, GetMaxVal<int64_t>());
-  return GetCudaAlignedSize(static_cast<int64_t>(cub_rle_temp_store_size));
-template<typename KEY, typename IDX>
-int64_t GetCubTempStorageSize(int64_t n) {
-  int64_t cub_temp_storage_size = 0;
-  cub_temp_storage_size = std::max(cub_temp_storage_size, GetCubSortTempStorageSize<KEY, IDX>(n));
-  cub_temp_storage_size = std::max(cub_temp_storage_size, GetCubScanTempStorageSize<KEY, IDX>(n));
-  cub_temp_storage_size = std::max(cub_temp_storage_size, GetCubRleTempStorageSize<KEY, IDX>(n));
-  return cub_temp_storage_size;
-template<typename T>
-void AliasPtr(void* origin, int64_t* offset, Buffer<T>* buffer, int64_t size) {
-  auto* ptr = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(origin);
-  if (buffer != nullptr) {
-    buffer->ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(ptr + *offset);
-    buffer->size_in_bytes = size;
-  }
-  *offset += size;
-template<typename KEY, typename IDX>
-void UniqueAliasWorkspace(DeviceCtx* ctx, int64_t n, void* workspace,
-                          int64_t* workspace_size_in_bytes, Buffer<KEY>* cub_sort_keys_out,
-                          Buffer<IDX>* cub_sort_values_out, Buffer<void>* cub_temp_storage) {
-  int64_t offset = 0;
-  AliasPtr(workspace, &offset, cub_sort_keys_out, GetTempBufferSize<KEY>(n));
-  AliasPtr(workspace, &offset, cub_sort_values_out, GetTempBufferSize<IDX>(n));
-  AliasPtr(workspace, &offset, cub_temp_storage, GetCubTempStorageSize<KEY, IDX>(n));
-  *workspace_size_in_bytes = offset;
-template<typename IDX>
-__global__ void IotaKernel(int64_t n, IDX* out) {
-  CUDA_1D_KERNEL_LOOP_T(IDX, i, n) { out[i] = static_cast<IDX>(i); }
+constexpr cuda::unique::Flag kUniqueFlag = cuda::unique::kOutputInverseIndices;
+constexpr cuda::unique::Flag kUniqueWithCountsFlag =
+    cuda::unique::kOutputInverseIndices | cuda::unique::kOutputCounts;
 }  // namespace
@@ -122,54 +44,34 @@ void UniqueKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU, KEY, IDX>::Unique(DeviceCtx* ctx, int64_
                                                           IDX* num_unique, KEY* unique_out,
                                                           IDX* idx_out, void* workspace,
                                                           int64_t workspace_size_in_bytes) {
-  int64_t count_size = GetTempBufferSize<IDX>(n);
-  UniqueKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU, KEY, IDX>::UniqueWithCounts(
-      ctx, n, in, num_unique, unique_out, idx_out, reinterpret_cast<IDX*>(workspace),
-      reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(workspace) + count_size,
-      workspace_size_in_bytes - count_size);
+      (cuda::unique::Launch<KEY, IDX>(kUniqueFlag, n, in, unique_out, num_unique, idx_out, nullptr,
+                                      workspace, workspace_size_in_bytes, ctx->cuda_stream())));
 template<typename KEY, typename IDX>
 void UniqueKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU, KEY, IDX>::UniqueWithCounts(
     DeviceCtx* ctx, int64_t n, const KEY* in, IDX* num_unique, KEY* unique_out, IDX* idx_out,
     IDX* count, void* workspace, int64_t workspace_size_in_bytes) {
-  int64_t rt_workspace_size;
-  IDX* cub_sort_values_in_ptr = idx_out;
-  Buffer<KEY> cub_sort_keys_out;
-  Buffer<IDX> cub_sort_values_out;
-  Buffer<void> cub_temp_storage;
-  UniqueAliasWorkspace<KEY, IDX>(ctx, n, workspace, &rt_workspace_size, &cub_sort_keys_out,
-                                 &cub_sort_values_out, &cub_temp_storage);
-  CHECK_LE(rt_workspace_size, workspace_size_in_bytes);
-  IotaKernel<IDX><<<BlocksNum4ThreadsNum(n), kCudaThreadsNumPerBlock, 0, ctx->cuda_stream()>>>(
-      n, cub_sort_values_in_ptr);
-  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairs<KEY, IDX>(
-      cub_temp_storage.ptr, cub_temp_storage.size_in_bytes, in, cub_sort_keys_out.ptr,
-      cub_sort_values_in_ptr, cub_sort_values_out.ptr, n, 0, sizeof(KEY) * 8, ctx->cuda_stream())));
-  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cub::DeviceRunLengthEncode::Encode<KEY*, KEY*, IDX*, IDX*>(
-      cub_temp_storage.ptr, cub_temp_storage.size_in_bytes, cub_sort_keys_out.ptr, unique_out,
-      count, num_unique, n, ctx->cuda_stream())));
-  NotEqualToPreviousAdjacentIterator<IDX, KEY> unique_counting_iter(cub_sort_keys_out.ptr, 0);
-  PermutationIterator<IDX, IDX*, IDX*> remapping_iter(idx_out, cub_sort_values_out.ptr);
-  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cub::DeviceScan::InclusiveSum<NotEqualToPreviousAdjacentIterator<IDX, KEY>,
-                                               PermutationIterator<IDX, IDX*, IDX*>>(
-      cub_temp_storage.ptr, cub_temp_storage.size_in_bytes, unique_counting_iter, remapping_iter, n,
-      ctx->cuda_stream())));
+  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cuda::unique::Launch<KEY, IDX>(kUniqueWithCountsFlag, n, in, unique_out,
+                                                num_unique, idx_out, count, workspace,
+                                                workspace_size_in_bytes, ctx->cuda_stream())));
 template<typename KEY, typename IDX>
 void UniqueKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU, KEY, IDX>::GetUniqueWorkspaceSizeInBytes(
     DeviceCtx* ctx, int64_t n, int64_t* workspace_size_in_bytes) {
-  UniqueKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU, KEY, IDX>::GetUniqueWithCountsWorkspaceSizeInBytes(
-      ctx, n, workspace_size_in_bytes);
-  *workspace_size_in_bytes += GetTempBufferSize<IDX>(n);
+  size_t ws = 0;
+  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cuda::unique::GetWorkspaceSize<KEY, IDX>(kUniqueFlag, n, &ws)));
+  *workspace_size_in_bytes = static_cast<int64_t>(ws);
 template<typename KEY, typename IDX>
 void UniqueKernelUtil<DeviceType::kGPU, KEY, IDX>::GetUniqueWithCountsWorkspaceSizeInBytes(
     DeviceCtx* ctx, int64_t n, int64_t* workspace_size_in_bytes) {
-  UniqueAliasWorkspace<KEY, IDX>(ctx, n, nullptr, workspace_size_in_bytes, nullptr, nullptr,
-                                 nullptr);
+  size_t ws = 0;
+  OF_CUDA_CHECK((cuda::unique::GetWorkspaceSize<KEY, IDX>(kUniqueWithCountsFlag, n, &ws)));
+  *workspace_size_in_bytes = static_cast<int64_t>(ws);
 #define INSTANTIATE_UNIQUE_KERNEL_UTIL_GPU(key_type_pair, idx_type_pair)              \