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## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.32.0

[Diff since v5.31.0](

**Closed issues:**
- LeapfrogMagnus (#1062)
- QNDF and QBDF Fail in OOP with arrays (#1076)
- Specialize issingular on structured matrix types (#1086)

**Merged pull requests:**
- Implemented 2N storage Stanescu, Habashi RK method (#1073) (@kamalojasv181)
- [WIP] MMUT (#1081) (@Biswajitghosh98)
- Fix ::Array{Float64,1} use case in QNDF (#1085) (@utkarsh530)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "GenericSVD" to "0.3" (#1087) (@github-actions[bot])
- [WIP] Fixes for QNDF and QBDF Tests (#1088) (@utkarsh530)
- [WIP]Lie euler (#1090) (@Biswajitghosh98)
- use the ArrayInterface.issingular (#1091) (@ChrisRackauckas)