## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.40.0 [Diff since v5.39.1](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.39.1...v5.40.0) **Closed issues:** - Trapezoid fails mass matrix tests (#1078) **Merged pull requests:** - Single GPU kernel call for low storage methods (#1153) (@kanav99) - Adaptive Radau (#1156) (@d-netto) - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Adapt" at version "1.1" (#1157) (@github-actions[bot]) - Fix Trapezoid mass matrix handling (#1160) (@YingboMa) - Update ABDF2 to the new nlsolver (#1161) (@YingboMa) - Adaptive RadauIIA3 (#1162) (@YingboMa) - Update QNDF1 to new multistep solver (#1163) (@utkarsh530) - Update QNDF2 to new multistep solver (#1164) (@utkarsh530) - Update QNDF to new nlsolver (#1165) (@utkarsh530) - Fix RHS in time-state dependent mass matrix tests (#1168) (@YingboMa) - Migrate to JuliaGPU's CI setup (#1169) (@christopher-dG) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Adapt" to "2.0" (#1174) (@github-actions[bot]) - MagnusGauss4 (#1175) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Remove allocations from RK4 residual adaptivity (#1176) (@ChrisRackauckas)