## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.1 [Diff since v5.42.0](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.0...v5.42.1) **Closed issues:** - Rodas5 promotes static arrays to arrays when autodiff=false (#1219) - VectorContinuousCallback doesn't work for complex valued solution (#1222) **Merged pull requests:** - Rkmk2 (#1216) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Update Work Calculation in ImplicitEulerExtrapolation (#1217) (@utkarsh530) - RKMK4 [WIP] (#1218) (@Biswajitghosh98) - fix t-typed values in sdirk tableaus? (#1220) (@ChrisRackauckas) - Extend tests to cover autodiff=false for StaticArrays (#1223) (@andreasnoack) - make CallbackCache real (#1224) (@kleinhenz) - Use AD in initialization when the DAE algorithm uses AD (#1225) (@YingboMa) - LieRK4 (#1226) (@Biswajitghosh98)