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- *You need to add fork := true into your build.sbt if you want to run tests from sbt command lines*
- Now simulation files are emited in the simWorkspace folder by default
- You can override the simWorkspace path by setting the SPINALSIM_WORKSPACE environement variable
- Clean the why how simulations files are organized
- add sim signal.randomize()
- Now the VHDL and Verilog backend split long expressions on a multiple assignement. (max 32 expressions per assignement)
- Sim waitUntilRisingEdge(count = 100)
- SpinalConfig(verbose = true) to print phase timings
- Add sim ClockDomain.waitActiveEdgeWhere(cond)
- VerilatorBackend now use JNI instread of JNR-FFI to remove a memory leak (it also reduce jar dependancies)
- Reduce emited symboles from the Verilator shared object (fix crash when running multiple test from different hardware durring a single VM execution)
- SpinalSim is now ready to run multiples tests in multiple threads with multiples  hardwares at the same time
- Sim API fix toInt (now will return a Int instead than a Long)