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- Fix uart decoder boot conditions
- Verilator now split files into chunks of 4000 lines to have a faster compilation on big designs
- Now the crossclocking check will also walk the clocks paths to see if two clock domains share the same common driver
- Add simPublic feature, which allow to read internal signals of the Dut during simulations
- MaskedLiteral are can no be compared to each other (usefull for hashmap)
- SwitchStatement elements are now able to properly give their code location
- Flip a direction less signal now produce a PendingError instead of a SpinalError  (Easier to debug)
- removing the need for `.` in `.elsewhen`(Thanks soronpo)
- SpinalSim run on Mac
- Fix assignement overriding detection
- SpinalSim add abstract randomize / assignBigInt