v1.3.1 - Add SpinalConfig.randBootFixValue to randomize or not the signals set with randBoot() - Bundle created from HardTypes now keep a reference to him for future clones - Fix library eviction messages #171 - For each enum signal in the generated verilog there is now a string signal to get a waveform friendly state value. - Simulation ClockDomain.forkStimulus return Unit now - Improve SpinalSim performance by remove debugging asserts - workaround cadence incisive 15.20 VHDL bug (not expression) - Add Data.as(anotherType) casting - Fix AXI4 incr address for unaligned accesses - Add SpinalConfig.withPrivateNamespace feature (toplevel's children components get the toplevel definition name as prefix) - deprecate kB, MB, .. to KiB, MiB - Fix AvalonMMSlaveFactory