## Report a Vulnerability We sincerely request you to keep the vulnerability information confidential and responsibly disclose the vulnerabilities. To report a vulnerability, please contact the Security Team: [cncf-kubeedge-security@lists.cncf.io](mailto:cncf-kubeedge-security@lists.cncf.io). You can email the Security Team with the security details and the details expected for [KubeEdge bug reports](https://github.com/kubeedge/kubeedge/blob/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug-report.md). The team will help diagnose the severity of the issue and determine how to address the issue. The reporter(s) can expect a response within 2 business day acknowledging the issue was received. If a response is not received within 2 business day, please reach out to any Security Team member (listed [here](security-groups.md), under the `The Security Team` section) directly to confirm receipt of the issue. We’ll try to keep you informed about our progress throughout the process. ### When Should I Report a Vulnerability? - You think you discovered a potential security vulnerability in KubeEdge - You are unsure how a vulnerability affects KubeEdge ### When Should I NOT Report a Vulnerability? - You need help tuning KubeEdge components for security - You need help applying security related updates - Your issue is not security related If you think you discovered a vulnerability in another project that KubeEdge depends on, and that project has their own vulnerability reporting and disclosure process, please report it directly there.