diff --git a/remoting/etcdv3/coverage.html b/remoting/etcdv3/coverage.html
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index 04a7ab97cadd39c2fa5aeeff6531069486ff038c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/remoting/etcdv3/coverage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,970 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
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-				<option value="file0">github.com/apache/dubbo-go/remoting/etcdv3/client.go (65.0%)</option>
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-				<option value="file2">github.com/apache/dubbo-go/remoting/etcdv3/listener.go (57.3%)</option>
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-				<span class="cov8">covered</span>
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-		<div id="content">
-		<pre class="file" id="file0" style="display: none">/*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package etcdv3
-import (
-        "context"
-        "path"
-        "sync"
-        "time"
-import (
-        "github.com/coreos/etcd/clientv3"
-        "github.com/coreos/etcd/clientv3/concurrency"
-        perrors "github.com/pkg/errors"
-        "google.golang.org/grpc"
-import (
-        "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/common/logger"
-const (
-        // ConnDelay connection dalay
-        ConnDelay = 3
-        // MaxFailTimes max failure times
-        MaxFailTimes = 15
-        // RegistryETCDV3Client client name
-        RegistryETCDV3Client = "etcd registry"
-var (
-        // ErrNilETCDV3Client ...
-        ErrNilETCDV3Client = perrors.New("etcd raw client is nil") // full describe the ERR
-        // ErrKVPairNotFound ...
-        ErrKVPairNotFound = perrors.New("k/v pair not found")
-// Options ...
-type Options struct {
-        name      string
-        endpoints []string
-        client    *Client
-        timeout   time.Duration
-        heartbeat int // heartbeat second
-// Option ...
-type Option func(*Options)
-// WithEndpoints ...
-func WithEndpoints(endpoints ...string) Option <span class="cov0" title="0">{
-        return func(opt *Options) </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                opt.endpoints = endpoints
-        }</span>
-// WithName ...
-func WithName(name string) Option <span class="cov0" title="0">{
-        return func(opt *Options) </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                opt.name = name
-        }</span>
-// WithTimeout ...
-func WithTimeout(timeout time.Duration) Option <span class="cov0" title="0">{
-        return func(opt *Options) </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                opt.timeout = timeout
-        }</span>
-// WithHeartbeat ...
-func WithHeartbeat(heartbeat int) Option <span class="cov0" title="0">{
-        return func(opt *Options) </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                opt.heartbeat = heartbeat
-        }</span>
-// ValidateClient ...
-func ValidateClient(container clientFacade, opts ...Option) error <span class="cov0" title="0">{
-        options := &amp;Options{
-                heartbeat: 1, // default heartbeat
-        }
-        for _, opt := range opts </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                opt(options)
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov0" title="0">lock := container.ClientLock()
-        lock.Lock()
-        defer lock.Unlock()
-        // new Client
-        if container.Client() == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                newClient, err := newClient(options.name, options.endpoints, options.timeout, options.heartbeat)
-                if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                        logger.Warnf("new etcd client (name{%s}, etcd addresses{%v}, timeout{%d}) = error{%v}",
-                                options.name, options.endpoints, options.timeout, err)
-                        return perrors.WithMessagef(err, "new client (address:%+v)", options.endpoints)
-                }</span>
-                <span class="cov0" title="0">container.SetClient(newClient)</span>
-        }
-        // Client lose connection with etcd server
-        <span class="cov0" title="0">if container.Client().rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                newClient, err := newClient(options.name, options.endpoints, options.timeout, options.heartbeat)
-                if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                        logger.Warnf("new etcd client (name{%s}, etcd addresses{%v}, timeout{%d}) = error{%v}",
-                                options.name, options.endpoints, options.timeout, err)
-                        return perrors.WithMessagef(err, "new client (address:%+v)", options.endpoints)
-                }</span>
-                <span class="cov0" title="0">container.SetClient(newClient)</span>
-        }
-        <span class="cov0" title="0">return nil</span>
-// Client ...
-type Client struct {
-        lock sync.RWMutex
-        // these properties are only set once when they are started.
-        name      string
-        endpoints []string
-        timeout   time.Duration
-        heartbeat int
-        ctx       context.Context    // if etcd server connection lose, the ctx.Done will be sent msg
-        cancel    context.CancelFunc // cancel the ctx,  all watcher will stopped
-        rawClient *clientv3.Client
-        exit chan struct{}
-        Wait sync.WaitGroup
-func newClient(name string, endpoints []string, timeout time.Duration, heartbeat int) (*Client, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
-        rawClient, err := clientv3.New(clientv3.Config{
-                Context:     ctx,
-                Endpoints:   endpoints,
-                DialTimeout: timeout,
-                DialOptions: []grpc.DialOption{grpc.WithBlock()},
-        })
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, perrors.WithMessage(err, "new raw client block connect to server")
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">c := &amp;Client{
-                name:      name,
-                timeout:   timeout,
-                endpoints: endpoints,
-                heartbeat: heartbeat,
-                ctx:       ctx,
-                cancel:    cancel,
-                rawClient: rawClient,
-                exit: make(chan struct{}),
-        }
-        if err := c.maintenanceStatus(); err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, perrors.WithMessage(err, "client maintenance status")
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return c, nil</span>
-// NOTICE: need to get the lock before calling this method
-func (c *Client) clean() <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        // close raw client
-        c.rawClient.Close()
-        // cancel ctx for raw client
-        c.cancel()
-        // clean raw client
-        c.rawClient = nil
-func (c *Client) stop() bool <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        select </span>{
-        case &lt;-c.exit:<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                return true</span>
-        default:<span class="cov8" title="1">
-                close(c.exit)</span>
-        }
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return false</span>
-// Close ...
-func (c *Client) Close() <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        if c == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return
-        }</span>
-        // stop the client
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">c.stop()
-        // wait client maintenance status stop
-        c.Wait.Wait()
-        c.lock.Lock()
-        if c.rawClient != nil </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                c.clean()
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">c.lock.Unlock()
-        logger.Warnf("etcd client{name:%s, endpoints:%s} exit now.", c.name, c.endpoints)</span>
-func (c *Client) maintenanceStatus() error <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        s, err := concurrency.NewSession(c.rawClient, concurrency.WithTTL(c.heartbeat))
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return perrors.WithMessage(err, "new session with server")
-        }</span>
-        // must add wg before go maintenance status goroutine
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">c.Wait.Add(1)
-        go c.maintenanceStatusLoop(s)
-        return nil</span>
-func (c *Client) maintenanceStatusLoop(s *concurrency.Session) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        defer func() </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                c.Wait.Done()
-                logger.Infof("etcd client {endpoints:%v, name:%s} maintenance goroutine game over.", c.endpoints, c.name)
-        }</span>()
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">for </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                select </span>{
-                case &lt;-c.Done():<span class="cov8" title="1">
-                        // Client be stopped, will clean the client hold resources
-                        return</span>
-                case &lt;-s.Done():<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                        logger.Warn("etcd server stopped")
-                        c.lock.Lock()
-                        // when etcd server stopped, cancel ctx, stop all watchers
-                        c.clean()
-                        // when connection lose, stop client, trigger reconnect to etcd
-                        c.stop()
-                        c.lock.Unlock()
-                        return</span>
-                }
-        }
-// if k not exist will put k/v in etcd
-// if k is already exist in etcd, return nil
-func (c *Client) put(k string, v string, opts ...clientv3.OpOption) error <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        c.lock.RLock()
-        defer c.lock.RUnlock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return ErrNilETCDV3Client
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">_, err := c.rawClient.Txn(c.ctx).
-                If(clientv3.Compare(clientv3.Version(k), "&lt;", 1)).
-                Then(clientv3.OpPut(k, v, opts...)).
-                Commit()
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return err
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return nil</span>
-func (c *Client) delete(k string) error <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        c.lock.RLock()
-        defer c.lock.RUnlock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return ErrNilETCDV3Client
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">_, err := c.rawClient.Delete(c.ctx, k)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return err
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return nil</span>
-func (c *Client) get(k string) (string, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        c.lock.RLock()
-        defer c.lock.RUnlock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return "", ErrNilETCDV3Client
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">resp, err := c.rawClient.Get(c.ctx, k)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return "", err
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">if len(resp.Kvs) == 0 </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                return "", ErrKVPairNotFound
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return string(resp.Kvs[0].Value), nil</span>
-// CleanKV ...
-func (c *Client) CleanKV() error <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        c.lock.RLock()
-        defer c.lock.RUnlock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return ErrNilETCDV3Client
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">_, err := c.rawClient.Delete(c.ctx, "", clientv3.WithPrefix())
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return err
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return nil</span>
-func (c *Client) getChildren(k string) ([]string, []string, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        c.lock.RLock()
-        defer c.lock.RUnlock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, nil, ErrNilETCDV3Client
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">resp, err := c.rawClient.Get(c.ctx, k, clientv3.WithPrefix())
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, nil, err
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">if len(resp.Kvs) == 0 </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                return nil, nil, ErrKVPairNotFound
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">var (
-                kList []string
-                vList []string
-        )
-        for _, kv := range resp.Kvs </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                kList = append(kList, string(kv.Key))
-                vList = append(vList, string(kv.Value))
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return kList, vList, nil</span>
-func (c *Client) watchWithPrefix(prefix string) (clientv3.WatchChan, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        c.lock.RLock()
-        defer c.lock.RUnlock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, ErrNilETCDV3Client
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return c.rawClient.Watch(c.ctx, prefix, clientv3.WithPrefix()), nil</span>
-func (c *Client) watch(k string) (clientv3.WatchChan, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        c.lock.RLock()
-        defer c.lock.RUnlock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, ErrNilETCDV3Client
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return c.rawClient.Watch(c.ctx, k), nil</span>
-func (c *Client) keepAliveKV(k string, v string) error <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        c.lock.RLock()
-        defer c.lock.RUnlock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return ErrNilETCDV3Client
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">lease, err := c.rawClient.Grant(c.ctx, int64(time.Second.Seconds()))
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return perrors.WithMessage(err, "grant lease")
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">keepAlive, err := c.rawClient.KeepAlive(c.ctx, lease.ID)
-        if err != nil || keepAlive == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                c.rawClient.Revoke(c.ctx, lease.ID)
-                return perrors.WithMessage(err, "keep alive lease")
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">_, err = c.rawClient.Put(c.ctx, k, v, clientv3.WithLease(lease.ID))
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return perrors.WithMessage(err, "put k/v with lease")
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return nil</span>
-// Done ...
-func (c *Client) Done() &lt;-chan struct{} <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        return c.exit
-// Valid ...
-func (c *Client) Valid() bool <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        select </span>{
-        case &lt;-c.exit:<span class="cov8" title="1">
-                return false</span>
-        default:<span class="cov8" title="1"></span>
-        }
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">c.lock.RLock()
-        if c.rawClient == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                c.lock.RUnlock()
-                return false
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">c.lock.RUnlock()
-        return true</span>
-// Create ...
-func (c *Client) Create(k string, v string) error <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        err := c.put(k, v)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return perrors.WithMessagef(err, "put k/v (key: %s value %s)", k, v)
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return nil</span>
-// Delete ...
-func (c *Client) Delete(k string) error <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        err := c.delete(k)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return perrors.WithMessagef(err, "delete k/v (key %s)", k)
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return nil</span>
-// RegisterTemp ...
-func (c *Client) RegisterTemp(basePath string, node string) (string, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        completeKey := path.Join(basePath, node)
-        err := c.keepAliveKV(completeKey, "")
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return "", perrors.WithMessagef(err, "keepalive kv (key %s)", completeKey)
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return completeKey, nil</span>
-// GetChildrenKVList ...
-func (c *Client) GetChildrenKVList(k string) ([]string, []string, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        kList, vList, err := c.getChildren(k)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, nil, perrors.WithMessagef(err, "get key children (key %s)", k)
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return kList, vList, nil</span>
-// Get ...
-func (c *Client) Get(k string) (string, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        v, err := c.get(k)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                return "", perrors.WithMessagef(err, "get key value (key %s)", k)
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return v, nil</span>
-// Watch ...
-func (c *Client) Watch(k string) (clientv3.WatchChan, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        wc, err := c.watch(k)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, perrors.WithMessagef(err, "watch prefix (key %s)", k)
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return wc, nil</span>
-// WatchWithPrefix ...
-func (c *Client) WatchWithPrefix(prefix string) (clientv3.WatchChan, error) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        wc, err := c.watchWithPrefix(prefix)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                return nil, perrors.WithMessagef(err, "watch prefix (key %s)", prefix)
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">return wc, nil</span>
-		<pre class="file" id="file1" style="display: none">/*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package etcdv3
-import (
-        "sync"
-        "time"
-import (
-        "github.com/dubbogo/getty"
-        perrors "github.com/pkg/errors"
-import (
-        "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/common"
-        "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/common/constant"
-        "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/common/logger"
-type clientFacade interface {
-        Client() *Client
-        SetClient(*Client)
-        ClientLock() *sync.Mutex
-        WaitGroup() *sync.WaitGroup //for wait group control, etcd client listener &amp; etcd client container
-        Done() chan struct{}        //for etcd client control
-        RestartCallBack() bool
-        common.Node
-// HandleClientRestart ...
-func HandleClientRestart(r clientFacade) <span class="cov0" title="0">{
-        var (
-                err       error
-                failTimes int
-        )
-        defer r.WaitGroup().Done()
-        for </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                select </span>{
-                case &lt;-r.Done():<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                        logger.Warnf("(ETCDV3ProviderRegistry)reconnectETCDV3 goroutine exit now...")
-                        break LOOP</span>
-                        // re-register all services
-                case &lt;-r.Client().Done():<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                        r.ClientLock().Lock()
-                        clientName := RegistryETCDV3Client
-                        timeout, _ := time.ParseDuration(r.GetUrl().GetParam(constant.REGISTRY_TIMEOUT_KEY, constant.DEFAULT_REG_TIMEOUT))
-                        endpoint := r.GetUrl().Location
-                        r.Client().Close()
-                        r.SetClient(nil)
-                        r.ClientLock().Unlock()
-                        // try to connect to etcd,
-                        failTimes = 0
-                        for </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                select </span>{
-                                case &lt;-r.Done():<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                                        logger.Warnf("(ETCDV3ProviderRegistry)reconnectETCDRegistry goroutine exit now...")
-                                        break LOOP</span>
-                                case &lt;-getty.GetTimeWheel().After(timeSecondDuration(failTimes * ConnDelay)):<span class="cov0" title="0"></span> // avoid connect frequent
-                                }
-                                <span class="cov0" title="0">err = ValidateClient(
-                                        r,
-                                        WithName(clientName),
-                                        WithEndpoints(endpoint),
-                                        WithTimeout(timeout),
-                                )
-                                logger.Infof("ETCDV3ProviderRegistry.validateETCDV3Client(etcd Addr{%s}) = error{%#v}",
-                                        endpoint, perrors.WithStack(err))
-                                if err == nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                        if r.RestartCallBack() </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                                break</span>
-                                        }
-                                }
-                                <span class="cov0" title="0">failTimes++
-                                if MaxFailTimes &lt;= failTimes </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                        failTimes = MaxFailTimes
-                                }</span>
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-		<pre class="file" id="file2" style="display: none">/*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
- * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
- * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
- * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-package etcdv3
-import (
-        "sync"
-        "time"
-import (
-        "github.com/coreos/etcd/clientv3"
-        "github.com/coreos/etcd/mvcc/mvccpb"
-        perrors "github.com/pkg/errors"
-import (
-        "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/common/logger"
-        "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/remoting"
-// EventListener ...
-type EventListener struct {
-        client     *Client
-        keyMapLock sync.Mutex
-        keyMap     map[string]struct{}
-        wg         sync.WaitGroup
-// NewEventListener ...
-func NewEventListener(client *Client) *EventListener <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        return &amp;EventListener{
-                client: client,
-                keyMap: make(map[string]struct{}),
-        }
-// ListenServiceNodeEvent Listen on a spec key
-// this method will return true when spec key deleted,
-// this method will return false when deep layer connection lose
-func (l *EventListener) ListenServiceNodeEvent(key string, listener ...remoting.DataListener) bool <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        l.wg.Add(1)
-        defer l.wg.Done()
-        for </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                wc, err := l.client.Watch(key)
-                if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                        logger.Warnf("WatchExist{key:%s} = error{%v}", key, err)
-                        return false
-                }</span>
-                <span class="cov8" title="1">select </span>{
-                // client stopped
-                case &lt;-l.client.Done():<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                        logger.Warnf("etcd client stopped")
-                        return false</span>
-                // client ctx stop
-                case &lt;-l.client.ctx.Done():<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                        logger.Warnf("etcd client ctx cancel")
-                        return false</span>
-                // handle etcd events
-                case e, ok := &lt;-wc:<span class="cov8" title="1">
-                        if !ok </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                logger.Warnf("etcd watch-chan closed")
-                                return false
-                        }</span>
-                        <span class="cov8" title="1">if e.Err() != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                logger.Errorf("etcd watch ERR {err: %s}", e.Err())
-                                continue</span>
-                        }
-                        <span class="cov8" title="1">for _, event := range e.Events </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                                if l.handleEvents(event, listener...) </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                        // if event is delete
-                                        return true
-                                }</span>
-                        }
-                }
-        }
-        <span class="cov0" title="0">return false</span>
-// return true mean the event type is DELETE
-// return false mean the event type is CREATE || UPDATE
-func (l *EventListener) handleEvents(event *clientv3.Event, listeners ...remoting.DataListener) bool <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        logger.Infof("got a etcd event {type: %s, key: %s}", event.Type, event.Kv.Key)
-        switch event.Type </span>{
-        // the etcdv3 event just include PUT &amp;&amp; DELETE
-        case mvccpb.PUT:<span class="cov8" title="1">
-                for _, listener := range listeners </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                        switch event.IsCreate() </span>{
-                        case true:<span class="cov8" title="1">
-                                logger.Infof("etcd get event (key{%s}) = event{EventNodeDataCreated}", event.Kv.Key)
-                                listener.DataChange(remoting.Event{
-                                        Path:    string(event.Kv.Key),
-                                        Action:  remoting.EventTypeAdd,
-                                        Content: string(event.Kv.Value),
-                                })</span>
-                        case false:<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                                logger.Infof("etcd get event (key{%s}) = event{EventNodeDataChanged}", event.Kv.Key)
-                                listener.DataChange(remoting.Event{
-                                        Path:    string(event.Kv.Key),
-                                        Action:  remoting.EventTypeUpdate,
-                                        Content: string(event.Kv.Value),
-                                })</span>
-                        }
-                }
-                <span class="cov8" title="1">return false</span>
-        case mvccpb.DELETE:<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                logger.Warnf("etcd get event (key{%s}) = event{EventNodeDeleted}", event.Kv.Key)
-                return true</span>
-        default:<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                return false</span>
-        }
-        <span class="cov0" title="0">panic("unreachable")</span>
-// ListenServiceNodeEventWithPrefix Listen on a set of key with spec prefix
-func (l *EventListener) ListenServiceNodeEventWithPrefix(prefix string, listener ...remoting.DataListener) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        l.wg.Add(1)
-        defer l.wg.Done()
-        for </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                wc, err := l.client.WatchWithPrefix(prefix)
-                if err != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                        logger.Warnf("listenDirEvent(key{%s}) = error{%v}", prefix, err)
-                }</span>
-                <span class="cov8" title="1">select </span>{
-                // client stopped
-                case &lt;-l.client.Done():<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                        logger.Warnf("etcd client stopped")
-                        return</span>
-                        // client ctx stop
-                case &lt;-l.client.ctx.Done():<span class="cov0" title="0">
-                        logger.Warnf("etcd client ctx cancel")
-                        return</span>
-                        // etcd event stream
-                case e, ok := &lt;-wc:<span class="cov8" title="1">
-                        if !ok </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                logger.Warnf("etcd watch-chan closed")
-                                return
-                        }</span>
-                        <span class="cov8" title="1">if e.Err() != nil </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                                logger.Errorf("etcd watch ERR {err: %s}", e.Err())
-                                continue</span>
-                        }
-                        <span class="cov8" title="1">for _, event := range e.Events </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                                l.handleEvents(event, listener...)
-                        }</span>
-                }
-        }
-func timeSecondDuration(sec int) time.Duration <span class="cov0" title="0">{
-        return time.Duration(sec) * time.Second
-// ListenServiceEvent is invoked by etcdv3 ConsumerRegistry::Registe/ etcdv3 ConsumerRegistry::get/etcdv3 ConsumerRegistry::getListener
-// registry.go:Listen -&gt; listenServiceEvent -&gt; listenDirEvent -&gt; ListenServiceNodeEvent
-//                            |
-//                            --------&gt; ListenServiceNodeEvent
-func (l *EventListener) ListenServiceEvent(key string, listener remoting.DataListener) <span class="cov8" title="1">{
-        l.keyMapLock.Lock()
-        _, ok := l.keyMap[key]
-        l.keyMapLock.Unlock()
-        if ok </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                logger.Warnf("etcdv3 key %s has already been listened.", key)
-                return
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">l.keyMapLock.Lock()
-        l.keyMap[key] = struct{}{}
-        l.keyMapLock.Unlock()
-        keyList, valueList, err := l.client.getChildren(key)
-        if err != nil </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                logger.Warnf("Get new node path {%v} 's content error,message is  {%v}", key, perrors.WithMessage(err, "get children"))
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">logger.Infof("get key children list %s, keys %v values %v", key, keyList, valueList)
-        for i, k := range keyList </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                logger.Infof("got children list key -&gt; %s", k)
-                listener.DataChange(remoting.Event{
-                        Path:    k,
-                        Action:  remoting.EventTypeAdd,
-                        Content: valueList[i],
-                })
-        }</span>
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">logger.Infof("listen dubbo provider key{%s} event and wait to get all provider etcdv3 nodes", key)
-        go func(key string, listener remoting.DataListener) </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                l.ListenServiceNodeEventWithPrefix(key, listener)
-                logger.Warnf("listenDirEvent(key{%s}) goroutine exit now", key)
-        }</span>(key, listener)
-        <span class="cov8" title="1">logger.Infof("listen dubbo service key{%s}", key)
-        go func(key string) </span><span class="cov8" title="1">{
-                if l.ListenServiceNodeEvent(key) </span><span class="cov0" title="0">{
-                        listener.DataChange(remoting.Event{Path: key, Action: remoting.EventTypeDel})
-                }</span>
-                <span class="cov0" title="0">logger.Warnf("listenSelf(etcd key{%s}) goroutine exit now", key)</span>
-        }(key)
-// Close ...
-func (l *EventListener) Close() <span class="cov0" title="0">{
-        l.wg.Wait()
-		</div>
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diff --git a/remoting/kubernetes/client_test.go b/remoting/kubernetes/client_test.go
index 7345ddfbd5f00bb169c62d8d42148163a3298da2..aedd7ced83f47bf80efa09d194e97f16840ebbba 100644
--- a/remoting/kubernetes/client_test.go
+++ b/remoting/kubernetes/client_test.go
@@ -395,19 +395,22 @@ func (s *KubernetesClientTestSuite) TestClientWatchPrefix() {
 	go func() {
-		defer wg.Done()
 		wc, err := client.WatchWithPrefix(prefix)
 		if err != nil {
+		wg.Done()
 		for e := range wc {
 			t.Logf("got event %v k %s v %s", e.EventType, e.Key, e.Value)
+	// must wait the watch goroutine work
+	wg.Wait()
 	for _, tc := range tests {
 		k := tc.input.k
@@ -419,7 +422,6 @@ func (s *KubernetesClientTestSuite) TestClientWatchPrefix() {
-	wg.Wait()
 func (s *KubernetesClientTestSuite) TestNewClient() {
@@ -444,12 +446,11 @@ func (s *KubernetesClientTestSuite) TestClientWatch() {
 	go func() {
-		defer wg.Done()
 		wc, err := client.Watch(prefix)
 		if err != nil {
+		wg.Done()
 		for e := range wc {
 			t.Logf("got event %v k %s v %s", e.EventType, e.Key, e.Value)
@@ -457,6 +458,9 @@ func (s *KubernetesClientTestSuite) TestClientWatch() {
+	// must wait the watch goroutine already start the watch goroutine
+	wg.Wait()
 	for _, tc := range tests {
 		k := tc.input.k
@@ -468,7 +472,6 @@ func (s *KubernetesClientTestSuite) TestClientWatch() {
-	wg.Wait()
 func TestKubernetesClient(t *testing.T) {