/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dubbo import ( "bytes" "context" "sync" "testing" "time" ) import ( hessian "github.com/apache/dubbo-go-hessian2" "github.com/opentracing/opentracing-go" perrors "github.com/pkg/errors" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) import ( "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/common" "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/common/constant" "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/common/proxy/proxy_factory" "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/protocol" "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/protocol/invocation" "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/remoting" "github.com/apache/dubbo-go/remoting/getty" ) func TestDubboInvokerInvoke(t *testing.T) { proto, url := InitTest(t) c := getExchangeClient(url) invoker := NewDubboInvoker(url, c) user := &User{} inv := invocation.NewRPCInvocationWithOptions(invocation.WithMethodName("GetUser"), invocation.WithArguments([]interface{}{"1", "username"}), invocation.WithReply(user), invocation.WithAttachments(map[string]interface{}{"test_key": "test_value"})) // Call res := invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv) assert.NoError(t, res.Error()) assert.Equal(t, User{Id: "1", Name: "username"}, *res.Result().(*User)) // CallOneway inv.SetAttachments(constant.ASYNC_KEY, "true") res = invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv) assert.NoError(t, res.Error()) // AsyncCall lock := sync.Mutex{} lock.Lock() inv.SetCallBack(func(response common.CallbackResponse) { r := response.(remoting.AsyncCallbackResponse) rst := *r.Reply.(*remoting.Response).Result.(*protocol.RPCResult) assert.Equal(t, User{Id: "1", Name: "username"}, *(rst.Rest.(*User))) //assert.Equal(t, User{ID: "1", Name: "username"}, *r.Reply.(*Response).reply.(*User)) lock.Unlock() }) res = invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv) assert.NoError(t, res.Error()) // Err_No_Reply inv.SetAttachments(constant.ASYNC_KEY, "false") inv.SetReply(nil) res = invoker.Invoke(context.Background(), inv) assert.EqualError(t, res.Error(), "request need @response") // testing appendCtx span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(context.Background(), "TestOperation") invoker.Invoke(ctx, inv) span.Finish() // destroy lock.Lock() defer lock.Unlock() proto.Destroy() } func InitTest(t *testing.T) (protocol.Protocol, *common.URL) { hessian.RegisterPOJO(&User{}) methods, err := common.ServiceMap.Register("com.ikurento.user.UserProvider", "dubbo", "", "", &UserProvider{}) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, "GetBigPkg,GetUser,GetUser0,GetUser1,GetUser2,GetUser3,GetUser4,GetUser5,GetUser6", methods) // config getty.SetClientConf(getty.ClientConfig{ ConnectionNum: 2, HeartbeatPeriod: "5s", SessionTimeout: "20s", PoolTTL: 600, PoolSize: 64, GettySessionParam: getty.GettySessionParam{ CompressEncoding: false, TcpNoDelay: true, TcpKeepAlive: true, KeepAlivePeriod: "120s", TcpRBufSize: 262144, TcpWBufSize: 65536, PkgWQSize: 512, TcpReadTimeout: "4s", TcpWriteTimeout: "5s", WaitTimeout: "1s", MaxMsgLen: 10240000000, SessionName: "client", }, }) getty.SetServerConfig(getty.ServerConfig{ SessionNumber: 700, SessionTimeout: "20s", GettySessionParam: getty.GettySessionParam{ CompressEncoding: false, TcpNoDelay: true, TcpKeepAlive: true, KeepAlivePeriod: "120s", TcpRBufSize: 262144, TcpWBufSize: 65536, PkgWQSize: 512, TcpReadTimeout: "1s", TcpWriteTimeout: "5s", WaitTimeout: "1s", MaxMsgLen: 10240000000, SessionName: "server", }}) // Export proto := GetProtocol() url, err := common.NewURL("dubbo://" + "application=BDTService&category=providers&default.timeout=10000&dubbo=dubbo-provider-golang-1.0.0&" + "environment=dev&interface=com.ikurento.user.UserProvider&ip=" + "module=dubbogo+user-info+server&org=ikurento.com&owner=ZX&pid=1447&revision=0.0.1&" + "side=provider&timeout=3000×tamp=1556509797245&bean.name=UserProvider") assert.NoError(t, err) proto.Export(&proxy_factory.ProxyInvoker{ BaseInvoker: *protocol.NewBaseInvoker(url), }) time.Sleep(time.Second * 2) return proto, url } ////////////////////////////////// // provider ////////////////////////////////// type ( User struct { Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` } UserProvider struct { user map[string]User } ) // size:4801228 func (u *UserProvider) GetBigPkg(ctx context.Context, req []interface{}, rsp *User) error { argBuf := new(bytes.Buffer) for i := 0; i < 800; i++ { // use chinese for test argBuf.WriteString("击鼓其镗,踊跃用兵。土国城漕,我独南行。从孙子仲,平陈与宋。不我以归,忧心有忡。爰居爰处?爰丧其马?于以求之?于林之下。死生契阔,与子成说。执子之手,与子偕老。于嗟阔兮,不我活兮。于嗟洵兮,不我信兮。") } rsp.Id = argBuf.String() rsp.Name = argBuf.String() return nil } func (u *UserProvider) GetUser(ctx context.Context, req []interface{}, rsp *User) error { rsp.Id = req[0].(string) rsp.Name = req[1].(string) return nil } func (u *UserProvider) GetUser0(id string, k *User, name string) (User, error) { return User{Id: id, Name: name}, nil } func (u *UserProvider) GetUser1() error { return nil } func (u *UserProvider) GetUser2() error { return perrors.New("error") } func (u *UserProvider) GetUser3(rsp *[]interface{}) error { *rsp = append(*rsp, User{Id: "1", Name: "username"}) return nil } func (u *UserProvider) GetUser4(ctx context.Context, req []interface{}) ([]interface{}, error) { return []interface{}{User{Id: req[0].([]interface{})[0].(string), Name: req[0].([]interface{})[1].(string)}}, nil } func (u *UserProvider) GetUser5(ctx context.Context, req []interface{}) (map[interface{}]interface{}, error) { return map[interface{}]interface{}{"key": User{Id: req[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})["id"].(string), Name: req[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})["name"].(string)}}, nil } func (u *UserProvider) GetUser6(id int64) (*User, error) { if id == 0 { return nil, nil } return &User{Id: "1"}, nil } func (u *UserProvider) Reference() string { return "UserProvider" } func (u User) JavaClassName() string { return "com.ikurento.user.User" }