package zookeeper import ( "fmt" "net/url" "os" "strconv" "sync" "time" ) import ( "" log "" jerrors "" "" ) import ( "" "" ) const ( defaultTimeout = int64(10e9) RegistryZkClient = "zk registry" RegistryConnDelay = 3 ) var ( processID = "" localIP = "" ) func init() { processID = fmt.Sprintf("%d", os.Getpid()) localIP, _ = gxnet.GetLocalIP() } type ZkRegistryConfig struct { Address []string `required:"true" yaml:"address" json:"address,omitempty"` UserName string `yaml:"user_name" json:"user_name,omitempty"` Password string `yaml:"password" json:"password,omitempty"` TimeoutStr string `yaml:"timeout" default:"5s" json:"timeout,omitempty"` // unit: second Timeout time.Duration `yaml:"-" json:"-"` } type Options struct { registry.Options ZkRegistryConfig } func (o Options) ToString() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s, address:%+v, user:%s, password:%s, conn-timeout:%s", o.Options, o.Address, o.UserName, o.Password, o.Timeout) } type Option func(*Options) func (Option) Name() string { return "dubbogo-zookeeper-registry-option" } func WithRegistryConf(conf ZkRegistryConfig) Option { return func(o *Options) { o.ZkRegistryConfig = conf } } ///////////////////////////////////// // zookeeper registry ///////////////////////////////////// type ZkRegistry struct { Options birth int64 // time of file birth, seconds since Epoch; 0 if unknown wg sync.WaitGroup // wg+done for zk restart done chan struct{} cltLock sync.Mutex client *zookeeperClient services map[string]registry.ServiceConfigIf // service name + protocol -> service config listenerLock sync.Mutex listener *zkEventListener //for provider zkPath map[string]int // key = protocol://ip:port/interface } func NewZkRegistry(opts ...registry.RegistryOption) (registry.Registry, error) { var ( err error r *ZkRegistry ) r = &ZkRegistry{ birth: time.Now().UnixNano(), done: make(chan struct{}), services: make(map[string]registry.ServiceConfigIf), zkPath: make(map[string]int), } for _, opt := range opts { if o, ok := opt.(Option); ok { o(&r.Options) } else if o, ok := opt.(registry.Option); ok { o(&r.Options.Options) } else { return nil, jerrors.New("option is not available") } } //if r.DubboType == 0{ // return nil ,errors.New("Dubbo type should be specified.") //} if r.Name == "" { r.Name = RegistryZkClient } if r.Version == "" { r.Version = version.Version } if r.ZkRegistryConfig.Timeout == 0 { r.ZkRegistryConfig.Timeout = 1e9 } err = r.validateZookeeperClient() if err != nil { return nil, jerrors.Trace(err) } r.wg.Add(1) go r.handleZkRestart() //if r.DubboType == registry.CONSUMER { // r.wg.Add(1) // go r.listen() //} return r, nil } func (r *ZkRegistry) Close() { close(r.done) r.wg.Wait() r.closeRegisters() } func (r *ZkRegistry) validateZookeeperClient() error { var ( err error ) err = nil r.cltLock.Lock() defer r.cltLock.Unlock() if r.client == nil { r.client, err = newZookeeperClient(RegistryZkClient, r.Address, r.ZkRegistryConfig.Timeout) if err != nil { log.Warn("newZookeeperClient(name{%s}, zk addresss{%v}, timeout{%d}) = error{%v}", RegistryZkClient, r.Address, r.Timeout.String(), err) } } if r.client.conn == nil { var event <-chan zk.Event r.client.conn, event, err = zk.Connect(r.client.zkAddrs, r.client.timeout) if err != nil { r.client.wait.Add(1) go r.client.handleZkEvent(event) } } return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "newZookeeperClient(address:%+v)", r.Address) } func (r *ZkRegistry) handleZkRestart() { var ( err error flag bool failTimes int confIf registry.ServiceConfigIf services []registry.ServiceConfigIf ) defer r.wg.Done() LOOP: for { select { case <-r.done: log.Warn("(ZkProviderRegistry)reconnectZkRegistry goroutine exit now...") break LOOP // re-register all services case <-r.client.done(): r.cltLock.Lock() r.client.Close() r.client = nil r.cltLock.Unlock() // 接zk,直至成功 failTimes = 0 for { select { case <-r.done: log.Warn("(ZkProviderRegistry)reconnectZkRegistry goroutine exit now...") break LOOP case <-time.After(time.Duration(1e9 * failTimes * RegistryConnDelay)): // 防止疯狂重连zk } err = r.validateZookeeperClient() log.Info("ZkProviderRegistry.validateZookeeperClient(zkAddr{%s}) = error{%#v}", r.client.zkAddrs, jerrors.ErrorStack(err)) if err == nil { // copy r.cltLock.Lock() for _, confIf = range { services = append(services, confIf) } r.cltLock.Unlock() flag = true for _, confIf = range services { err = r.register(confIf) if err != nil { log.Error("(ZkProviderRegistry)register(conf{%#v}) = error{%#v}", confIf, jerrors.ErrorStack(err)) flag = false break } } if flag { break } } failTimes++ if MaxFailTimes <= failTimes { failTimes = MaxFailTimes } } } } } func (r *ZkRegistry) register(c registry.ServiceConfigIf) error { var ( err error revision string params url.Values urlPath string rawURL string encodedURL string dubboPath string ) err = r.validateZookeeperClient() if err != nil { return jerrors.Trace(err) } params = url.Values{} params.Add("application", r.ApplicationConfig.Name) params.Add("default.timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%d", defaultTimeout/1e6)) params.Add("environment", r.ApplicationConfig.Environment) params.Add("org", r.ApplicationConfig.Organization) params.Add("module", r.ApplicationConfig.Module) params.Add("owner", r.ApplicationConfig.Owner) params.Add("pid", processID) params.Add("ip", localIP) params.Add("timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(r.Timeout)/1e6)) params.Add("timestamp", fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.birth/1e6)) revision = r.ApplicationConfig.Version if revision == "" { revision = "0.1.0" } params.Add("revision", revision) // revision是pox.xml中application的version属性的值 if r.DubboType == registry.PROVIDER { conf, ok := c.(registry.ProviderServiceConfig) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("the type of @c:%+v is not registry.ProviderServiceConfig", c) } if conf.Service == "" || conf.Methods == "" { return jerrors.Errorf("conf{Service:%s, Methods:%s}", conf.Service, conf.Methods) } // 先创建服务下面的provider node dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo/%s/%s", conf.Service, registry.DubboNodes[registry.PROVIDER]) r.cltLock.Lock() err = r.client.Create(dubboPath) r.cltLock.Unlock() if err != nil { log.Error("zkClient.create(path{%s}) = error{%#v}", dubboPath, jerrors.ErrorStack(err)) return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "zkclient.Create(path:%s)", dubboPath) } params.Add("anyhost", "true") params.Add("interface", conf.ServiceConfig.Service) if conf.ServiceConfig.Group != "" { params.Add("group", conf.ServiceConfig.Group) } // dubbo java consumer来启动找provider url时,因为category不匹配,会找不到provider,导致consumer启动不了,所以使用consumers&providers // DubboRole = [...]string{"consumer", "", "", "provider"} // params.Add("category", (DubboType(PROVIDER)).Role()) params.Add("category", (registry.DubboType(registry.PROVIDER)).String()) params.Add("dubbo", "dubbo-provider-golang-"+version.Version) params.Add("side", (registry.DubboType(registry.PROVIDER)).Role()) if conf.ServiceConfig.Version != "" { params.Add("version", conf.ServiceConfig.Version) } if conf.Methods != "" { params.Add("methods", conf.Methods) } log.Debug("provider zk url params:%#v", params) if conf.Path == "" { conf.Path = localIP } urlPath = conf.Service if r.zkPath[urlPath] != 0 { urlPath += strconv.Itoa(r.zkPath[urlPath]) } r.zkPath[urlPath]++ rawURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/%s?%s", conf.Protocol, conf.Path, urlPath, params.Encode()) encodedURL = url.QueryEscape(rawURL) // 把自己注册service providers dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo/%s/%s", conf.Service, (registry.DubboType(registry.PROVIDER)).String()) log.Debug("provider path:%s, url:%s", dubboPath, rawURL) } else if r.DubboType == registry.CONSUMER { conf, ok := c.(registry.ServiceConfig) if !ok { return fmt.Errorf("the type of @c:%+v is not registry.ServiceConfig", c) } dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo/%s/%s", conf.Service, registry.DubboNodes[registry.CONSUMER]) r.cltLock.Lock() err = r.client.Create(dubboPath) r.cltLock.Unlock() if err != nil { log.Error("zkClient.create(path{%s}) = error{%v}", dubboPath, jerrors.ErrorStack(err)) return jerrors.Trace(err) } dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo/%s/%s", conf.Service, registry.DubboNodes[registry.PROVIDER]) r.cltLock.Lock() err = r.client.Create(dubboPath) r.cltLock.Unlock() if err != nil { log.Error("zkClient.create(path{%s}) = error{%v}", dubboPath, jerrors.ErrorStack(err)) return jerrors.Trace(err) } params.Add("protocol", conf.Protocol) params.Add("interface", conf.Service) revision = r.ApplicationConfig.Version if revision == "" { revision = "0.1.0" } params.Add("revision", revision) if conf.Group != "" { params.Add("group", conf.Group) } params.Add("category", (registry.DubboType(registry.CONSUMER)).String()) params.Add("dubbo", "dubbogo-consumer-"+version.Version) if conf.Version != "" { params.Add("version", conf.Version) } rawURL = fmt.Sprintf("consumer://%s/%s?%s", localIP, conf.Service+conf.Version, params.Encode()) encodedURL = url.QueryEscape(rawURL) dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo/%s/%s", conf.Service, (registry.DubboType(registry.CONSUMER)).String()) log.Debug("consumer path:%s, url:%s", dubboPath, rawURL) } else { return jerrors.Errorf("@c{%v} type is not ServiceConfig or ProviderServiceConfig", c) } err = r.registerTempZookeeperNode(dubboPath, encodedURL) if err != nil { return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "registerTempZookeeperNode(path:%s, url:%s)", dubboPath, rawURL) } return nil } func (r *ZkRegistry) registerTempZookeeperNode(root string, node string) error { var ( err error zkPath string ) r.cltLock.Lock() defer r.cltLock.Unlock() err = r.client.Create(root) if err != nil { log.Error("zk.Create(root{%s}) = err{%v}", root, jerrors.ErrorStack(err)) return jerrors.Trace(err) } zkPath, err = r.client.RegisterTemp(root, node) if err != nil { log.Error("RegisterTempNode(root{%s}, node{%s}) = error{%v}", root, node, jerrors.ErrorStack(err)) return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "RegisterTempNode(root{%s}, node{%s})", root, node) } log.Debug("create a zookeeper node:%s", zkPath) return nil } func (r *ZkRegistry) closeRegisters() { r.cltLock.Lock() defer r.cltLock.Unlock() log.Info("begin to close provider zk client") // 先关闭旧client,以关闭tmp node r.client.Close() r.client = nil = nil } func (r *ZkRegistry) IsClosed() bool { select { case <-r.done: return true default: return false } }