@@ -13,11 +13,6 @@ With the AutoLocalization branch of BT, first the `global_localization` service
**Warning**: AutoLocalization actuates robot; currently, obstacle avoidance has not been integrated into this feature. The user is advised to not use this feature on a physical robot for safety reasons. As of now, this feature should only be used in simulations.
## Current Plan
* Polishing AMCL core code, especially the `laserReceived` callback [Issue 211](https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation2/issues/211)
* Using generic Particle Filter library [Issue 206](https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation2/issues/206)
* Creating a generic library to pull out the algorithms that are from Probabilistic Robotics textbook. These algorithms could potentially be used on other modules [Issue 207](https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation2/issues/207)
## Future Plan
* Running from Ros bag
* Extending AMCL to work with different type of Sensors