陈健斌 authoredUnverified863e68a2
Release notes
Seata 1.5.0
Seata 1.5.0 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#3172] support rollback info compress
- [#3372] Saga support customize whether update last retry log
- [#3411] support seata server thread pool parameters configuration
- [#3348] support redis sentinel mode
- [#2667] support password decryption
- [#3427] add distributed lock interface
- [#3443] send the
log tologstash
- [#3258] fix AsyncWorker potential OOM problem
- [#3293] configuration cache get value cast exception
- [#3241] forbidden use order by or limit in multi sql
- [#3406] fix the value can not be push to nacos when special charset in config.txt
- [#3418] fix getGeneratedKeys may get history pk
- [#3408] run with jar file and not package third lib into jar file, this.getClass().getClassLoader() will be null
- [#3431] fix property bean may not be initialized when reading configuration
- [#3413] fix the logic of rollback to savepoint and release to savepoint
- [#3448] reduce unnecessary competition and remove missing locks
- [#3443] send the
log tologstash
- [#3451] fix set auto-commit to true when local transactions are not being used. Failure to compete for a lock causes the global transaction to exit, invaliding the global row lock and dirty writing of the data.
- [#3481] fix seata node refresh failure because consul crash
- [#3491] fix typo in README.md
- [#3383] optimize StatementProxyTest unit test
- [#3341] get config from file system even without file: prefix
- [#3385] optimize github action
- [#3175] improve UUIDGenerator using "history time" version of snowflake algorithm
- [#3291] mysql jdbc connect param
- [#3336] get netty config property from system properties
- [#3369] add github action secrets env for dockerHub
- [#3343] Migrate CI provider from Travis CI to Github Actions
- [#3365] optimize ParameterParserTest test case failed
- [#3359] remove unused test case
- [#3397] add the change records folder
- [#3303] supports reading all configurations from a single Nacos dataId
- [#3380] globalTransactionScanner listener optimize
- [#3123] The server directory is build by version, and build only when the profile is release-seata
- [#3415] optimize maven clean plugin to clear the distribution directory
- [#3316] optimize the property bean may not be initialized while reading config value
- [#3420] optimize enumerated classes and add unit tests
- [#3436] optimize typo in SQLType class
- [#3439] adjust the order of springApplicationContextProvider
- [#3156] optimize the logic of SpringProxyUtils.findTargetClass
- [#3441] optimize the auto-configuration processing of starter
- [#3466] optimize the comparison in the ExecuteTemplateXa class to determine that XA is not the final state
- [#3476] convert hostname to IP if necessary
- [#3485] optimize useless codes in ConfigurationFactory
- [#3505] optimize useless if judgments in the GlobalTransactionScanner class
- [#3381] test case for tmClient
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- selfishlover
- l8189352
- hoverruan
- jsbxyyx
- caohdgege
- a364176773
- anselleeyy
- Ifdevil
- Rubbernecker
- lvxianzheng
- lj2018110133
- wangliang181230
- xingfudeshi
- MentosL
- lian88jian
- litianyu1992
- xyz327
- 13414850431
- github-ganyu
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.
- Seata: https://github.com/seata/seata
- Seata-Samples: https://github.com/seata/seata-samples
- Release: https://github.com/seata/seata/releases
- WebSite: https://seata.io