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# Release Notes
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alexstocks committed
邹毅贤's avatar
邹毅贤 committed
## 1.4.5

### Bugfixes
- [Fix too many files open error](  [@wenxuwan]( Milestone: [](
## 1.5.4

### Bugfixes
- [Fix etcd cluster reconnect](  
- [Fix zookeeper deadlock problem](      
- [Fix generic struct2MapAll](     
- [Fix Consumer panic when restart provider](     
- [Fix etcd can not registry]( [@lin-jianjun](
- [Fix cannot call go provider service when used by java dubbo 2.7.7 version]( [@jack15083]( 
- [Fix go client quit abnormally when it connects java server]( [@wenxuwan](      
- [Fix sentinel windows issue]( [@louyuting](      
- [Fix metadata default port]( [@sanxun0325](      
- [Fix consul can not destory]( [@LaurenceLiZhixin](      

Milestone: [](

## 1.5.3

### New Features
- [Add consul service discovery]( [@zhangshen023](
- [Add File system service discovery]( [@DogBaoBao](
- [Migrate travis Ci to Github Actions]( [@sdttttt](
- [Add sentinel-golang flow control/circuit breaker]( [@louyuting](
- [Add dubbo-go docs and blog into doc directory]( [@oaoit]( 

### Enhancement
- [Add address notification batch mode]( [@beiwei30](
- [Refactor network and codec model]( [@fangyincheng]( [@georgehao](
- [Remove unnecessary return and judgement]( [@YongHaoWu](
- [Improve exporter append method]( [@gaoxinge](
- [Refactor for proxyInvoker cannot be extended]( [@cvictory]( 
- [Refactor attachment type from map\[string\]stiring to map\[string\]interface{}]( [@cvictory]( 
- [Improve map access concurrency]( [@skyao]( 
- [Improve code quantity]( [@gaoxinge]( 

### Bugfixes
- [Fix etcdv3 lease]( [@zhangshen023]( 
- [Fix rename SethealthChecker to SetHealthChecker]( [@watermelo](  
- [Fix init config problem in HystrixFilter]( [@YGrylls](   
- [Fix zookeeper listener report error after started]( [@wenxuwan](      

Milestone: [](

Project: [](

邹毅贤's avatar
邹毅贤 committed
## 1.5.1

### New Features
- [Add dynamic tag router](
- [Add TLS support](
- [Add Nearest first for multiple registry](
- [Add application and service level router](
- [Add dynamic tag router](

### Enhancement
- [Avoid init the log twice](
- [Correct words and format codes](
- [Change log stack level from warn to error](
- [Optimize remotes configuration](

### Bugfixes
- [Fix register service instance after provider config load](
- [Fix call subscribe function asynchronously](
- [Fix tag router rule copy](
- [Fix nacos unit test failed](
- [Fix can not inovke nacos destroy when graceful shutdown](
- [Fix zk lost event](
- [Fix k8s ut bug](

Milestone: [](

Project: [](

flycash's avatar
flycash committed
## 1.5.0

### New Features
- [Application-Level Registry Model](
    - [DelegateMetadataReport & RemoteMetadataService](
    - [Nacos MetadataReport implementation](
    - [Nacos service discovery](
    - [Zk metadata service](
    - [Zk service discovery](
    - [Etcd metadata report](
    - [Etcd metadata service discovery](
- [Support grpc json protocol](
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AlexStocks committed
- [Ftr: using different labels btw provider and consumer, k8s service discovery across namespaces]( )
flycash's avatar
flycash committed

### Enhancement
- [Optimize err handling ](
- [Add attribute method into Invocation and RpcInvocation](
- [Optimize lock for zookeeper registry](
- [Improve code coverage of zookeeper config center](
- [Improve code coverage of nacos config center and configuration parser](
- [Kubernetes as registry enhance](
- [Optimize zk client's lock and tests](
- [Add setInvoker method for invocation](
- [Upgrade getty & hessian2](
- [Optimize router design: Extract priority router](
- [NamespaceId config for nacos](

### Bugfixes
- [Fix Gitee problem](
- [Gitee quality analyses -- common](
- [Nacos client logDir path seperator for Windows](
- [Fix various linter warnings](
- [Fixed some issues in config folder that reported by sonar-qube](
- [Zk disconnected, dubbo-go panic when subscribe](
- [Enhancement cluster code analysis](

### Document & Comment
- [Add comment for common directory](
- [Add comments for config_center](
- [Update the comments in metrics](
- [Add comments for config](
- [Updated the dubbo-go-ext image](
- [Add comment for cluster](
- [Update the comments in filter directory](
- [Add comment for metadata](
- [Update the comments in protocol directory](
- [Add comments for remoting](
- [Update the comments in registy directory](

flycash's avatar
flycash committed
## 1.4.0
### New Features

- [Condition router](
- [Context support](
- [Opentracing & transfer context end to end for jsonrpc protocol](
- [Opentracing & transfer context end to end for dubbo protocol](
- [Grpc tracing for client and server](
flycash's avatar
flycash committed
- [Nacos config center](
- [Prometheus support](
- [Support sign and auth for request](
- [Healthy instance first router](
- [User can add attachments for dubbo protocol](
flycash's avatar
flycash committed
- [K8s as registry](
flycash's avatar
flycash committed
- [Rest protocol](
flycash's avatar
flycash committed

### Enhancement

- [Reduce the scope of lock in zk listener](
- [Trace error of getGettyRpcClient](
- [Refactor to add base_registry](
- [Do not listen to directory event if zkPath ends with providers/ or consumers/](

### Bugfixes

- [Handle the panic when invoker was destroyed](
- [HessianCodec failed to check package header length](

alexstocks's avatar
alexstocks committed
## 1.3.0

### New Features

- [Add apollo config center support](
- [Gracefully shutdown](
- [Add consistent hash load balance support](
- [Add sticky connection support](
- [Add async call for dubbo protocol](
- [Add generic implement](
- [Add request timeout for method](
- [Add grpc protocol](

### Enhancement
- [The SIGSYS and SIGSTOP are not supported in windows platform](
- [Error should be returned when `NewURL` failed](
- [Split config center GetConfig method](
- [Modify closing method for dubbo protocol](
- [Add SetLoggerLevel method](
- [Change the position of the lock](
- [Change zk version and add base_registry](

### Bugfixes
- [Fix negative wait group count](
- [After disconnection with ZK registry, cosumer can't listen to provider changes](
- [The generic filter and default reference filters lack ','](
- [Url encode zkpath](
- [Fix jsonrpc about HTTP/1.1](
- [Fix zk bug](
- [HessianCodec failed to check package header length](

邹毅贤's avatar
邹毅贤 committed
## 1.2.0

### New Features

fangyincheng's avatar
fangyincheng committed
- [Add etcdv3 registry support](
- [Add nacos registry support](
- [Add fail fast cluster support](
- [Add available cluster support](
- [Add broadcast cluster support](
- [Add forking cluster support](
- [Add service token authorization support](
- [Add accessLog filter support](
- [Add tps limit support](
- [Add execute limit support](
- [Move callService to invoker & support attachments](
- [Move example in dubbo-go project away](
- [Support dynamic config center which compatible with dubbo 2.6.x & 2.7.x and commit the zookeeper impl](
邹毅贤's avatar
邹毅贤 committed

### Enhancement

fangyincheng's avatar
fangyincheng committed
- [Split gettyRPCClient.close and gettyRPCClientPool.remove in protocol/dubbo/pool.go](
- [Remove client from pool before closing it](
- [Enhance the logic for fetching the local address](
- [Add protocol_conf default values](
- [Add task pool for getty](
- [Update getty: remove read queue](
- [Clean heartbeat from PendingResponse](
邹毅贤's avatar
邹毅贤 committed

### Bugfixes

fangyincheng's avatar
fangyincheng committed
- [GettyRPCClientPool remove deadlock](
- [Fix failover cluster bug and url parameter retries change int to string type](
- [Fix url params unsafe map](
- [Read protocol config by map key in config yaml instead of protocol name](
- *Fix dubbo group issues #238* [pr #243]( and [pr #244](
- [Fix bug in reference_config](
- [Fix high memory bug in zookeeper listener](
邹毅贤's avatar
邹毅贤 committed

AlexStocks's avatar
AlexStocks committed
## 1.1.0

### New Features

fangyincheng's avatar
fangyincheng committed
- [Support Java bigdecimal](
- [Support all JDK exceptions](
- [Support multi-version of service](
- [Allow user set custom params for registry](
- [Support zookeeper config center](
- [Failsafe/Failback  Cluster Strategy](
AlexStocks's avatar
AlexStocks committed

### Enhancement

fangyincheng's avatar
fangyincheng committed
- [Use time wheel instead of time.After to defeat timer object memory leakage](
AlexStocks's avatar
AlexStocks committed

### Bugfixes

fangyincheng's avatar
fangyincheng committed
- [Preventing dead loop when got zookeeper unregister event](
- [Delete ineffassign](
- [Add wg.Done() for mockDataListener](
- [Delete wrong spelling words](
- [Use sync.Map to defeat from gettyClientPool deadlock](
- [Handle panic when function args list is empty](
- [url.Values is not safe map](