// Copyright 2016-2019 hxmhlt
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import (
import (
// dubbo role type
const (
var (
DubboNodes = [...]string{"consumers", "configurators", "routers", "providers"}
DubboRole = [...]string{"consumer", "", "", "provider"}
type RoleType int
func (t RoleType) String() string {
return DubboNodes[t]
func (t RoleType) Role() string {
return DubboRole[t]
Location string // ip+port
Ip string
Port string
Path string // like /com.ikurento.dubbo.UserProvider3
Username string
Password string
//special for registry
type option func(*URL)
func WithUsername(username string) option {
return func(url *URL) {
url.Username = username
func WithPassword(pwd string) option {
return func(url *URL) {
url.Password = pwd
func WithMethods(methods []string) option {
return func(url *URL) {
url.Methods = methods
func WithParams(params url.Values) option {
return func(url *URL) {
url.Params = params
func WithParamsValue(key, val string) option {
return func(url *URL) {
url.Params.Set(key, val)
func WithProtocol(proto string) option {
return func(url *URL) {
url.Protocol = proto
func WithIp(ip string) option {
return func(url *URL) {
url.Ip = ip
func WithPort(port string) option {
return func(url *URL) {
url.Port = port
//func WithPath(path string) option {
// return func(url *URL) {
// url.Path = path
// }
func NewURLWithOptions(service string, opts ...option) *URL {
for _, opt := range opts {
func NewURL(ctx context.Context, urlString string, opts ...option) (URL, error) {
var (
err error
rawUrlString string
serviceUrl *url.URL
// new a null instance
if urlString == "" {
return s, nil
rawUrlString, err = url.QueryUnescape(urlString)
if err != nil {
return s, errors.Errorf("url.QueryUnescape(%s), error{%v}", urlString, err)
serviceUrl, err = url.Parse(rawUrlString)
if err != nil {
return s, errors.Errorf("url.Parse(url string{%s}), error{%v}", rawUrlString, err)
s.Params, err = url.ParseQuery(serviceUrl.RawQuery)
return s, errors.Errorf("url.ParseQuery(raw url string{%s}), error{%v}", serviceUrl.RawQuery, err)
s.PrimitiveURL = urlString
s.Protocol = serviceUrl.Scheme
s.Username = serviceUrl.User.Username()
s.Password, _ = serviceUrl.User.Password()
s.Location = serviceUrl.Host
s.Path = serviceUrl.Path
if strings.Contains(s.Location, ":") {
s.Ip, s.Port, err = net.SplitHostPort(s.Location)
return s, errors.Errorf("net.SplitHostPort(Url.Host{%s}), error{%v}", s.Location, err)
//timeoutStr := s.Params.Get("timeout")
//if len(timeoutStr) == 0 {
// timeoutStr = s.Params.Get("default.timeout")
//if len(timeoutStr) != 0 {
// timeout, err := strconv.Atoi(timeoutStr)
// if err == nil && timeout != 0 {
// s.Timeout = time.Duration(timeout * 1e6) // timeout unit is millisecond
// }
for _, opt := range opts {
//func (c URL) Key() string {
// return fmt.Sprintf(
// "%s://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s",
// c.Protocol, c.Username, c.Password, c.Ip, c.Port, c.Path)
func (c URL) URLEqual(url URL) bool {
// return fmt.Sprintf(
// "DefaultServiceURL{protocol:%s, Location:%s, Path:%s, Ip:%s, Port:%s, "+
// "Timeout:%s, Version:%s, Group:%s, Params:%+v}",
// c.protocol, c.Location, c.Path, c.Ip, c.Port,
// c.Timeout, c.Version, c.Group, c.Params)
c.Protocol, c.Username, c.Password, c.Ip, c.Port, c.Path)
c.Protocol, c.Username, c.Password, c.Ip, c.Port, c.GetParam(constant.INTERFACE_KEY, strings.TrimPrefix(c.Path, "/")), c.GetParam(constant.GROUP_KEY, ""), c.GetParam(constant.VERSION_KEY, constant.DEFAULT_VERSION))
func (c URL) Context() context.Context {
func (c URL) Service() string {
return strings.TrimPrefix(c.Path, "/")
func (c URL) GetParam(s string, d string) string {
var r string
if r = c.Params.Get(s); r == "" {
r = d
return r
func (c URL) GetParamInt(s string, d int64) int64 {
var r int
var err error
if r, err = strconv.Atoi(c.Params.Get(s)); r == 0 || err != nil {
return d
return int64(r)
func (c URL) GetMethodParamInt(method string, key string, d int64) int64 {
var r int
var err error
if r, err = strconv.Atoi(c.Params.Get("methods." + method + "." + key)); r == 0 || err != nil {
return d
return int64(r)
func (c URL) GetMethodParam(method string, key string, d string) string {
if r = c.Params.Get("methods." + method + "." + key); r == "" {