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registry.go 10.7 KiB
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package zookeeper

import (
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	log ""
	jerrors ""
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const (
	defaultTimeout    = int64(10e9)
	RegistryZkClient  = "zk registry"
	RegistryConnDelay = 3
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var (
	processID = ""
	localIP   = ""
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func init() {
	processID = fmt.Sprintf("%d", os.Getpid())
	localIP, _ = gxnet.GetLocalIP()
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	//plugins.PluggableRegistries["zookeeper"] = NewZkRegistry
	extension.SetRegistry("zookeeper", NewZkRegistry)
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// zookeeper registry

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type ZkRegistry struct {
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	context context.Context
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	birth int64          // time of file birth, seconds since Epoch; 0 if unknown
	wg    sync.WaitGroup // wg+done for zk restart
	done  chan struct{}

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	cltLock  sync.Mutex
	client   *zookeeperClient
	services map[string]config.URL // service name + protocol -> service config
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	listenerLock sync.Mutex
	listener     *zkEventListener
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	//for provider
	zkPath map[string]int // key = protocol://ip:port/interface
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func NewZkRegistry(url *config.URL) (registry.Registry, error) {
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	var (
		err error
		r   *ZkRegistry

	r = &ZkRegistry{
		URL:      url,
		birth:    time.Now().UnixNano(),
		done:     make(chan struct{}),
		services: make(map[string]config.URL),
		zkPath:   make(map[string]int),
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	//if r.SubURL.Name == "" {
	//	r.SubURL.Name = RegistryZkClient
	//if r.Version == "" {
	//	r.Version = version.Version
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	err = r.validateZookeeperClient()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, jerrors.Trace(err)

	go r.handleZkRestart()
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	//if r.RoleType == registry.CONSUMER {
	//	r.wg.Add(1)
	//	go r.listen()
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	return r, nil
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func (r *ZkRegistry) Close() {

func (r *ZkRegistry) validateZookeeperClient() error {
	var (
		err error

	err = nil
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	defer r.cltLock.Unlock()
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	if r.client == nil {
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		//in dubbp ,every registry only connect one node ,so this is []string{r.Address}
		timeout, err := time.ParseDuration(r.GetParam(constant.REGISTRY_TIMEOUT_KEY, constant.DEFAULT_REG_TIMEOUT))
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("timeout config %v is invalid ,err is %v",
				r.GetParam(constant.REGISTRY_TIMEOUT_KEY, constant.DEFAULT_REG_TIMEOUT), err.Error())
			return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "newZookeeperClient(address:%+v)", r.Location)
		r.client, err = newZookeeperClient(RegistryZkClient, []string{r.Location}, timeout)
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		if err != nil {
			log.Warn("newZookeeperClient(name{%s}, zk addresss{%v}, timeout{%d}) = error{%v}",
				RegistryZkClient, r.Location, timeout.String(), err)
			return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "newZookeeperClient(address:%+v)", r.Location)
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	if r.client.conn == nil {
		var event <-chan zk.Event
		r.client.conn, event, err = zk.Connect(r.client.zkAddrs, r.client.timeout)
		if err != nil {
			go r.client.handleZkEvent(event)
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	return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "newZookeeperClient(address:%+v)", r.PrimitiveURL)
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func (r *ZkRegistry) handleZkRestart() {
	var (
		err       error
		flag      bool
		failTimes int
		confIf    config.URL
		services  []config.URL
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	defer r.wg.Done()
	for {
		select {
		case <-r.done:
			log.Warn("(ZkProviderRegistry)reconnectZkRegistry goroutine exit now...")
			break LOOP
			// re-register all services
		case <-r.client.done():
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			r.client = nil
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			// 接zk,直至成功
			failTimes = 0
			for {
				select {
				case <-r.done:
					log.Warn("(ZkProviderRegistry)reconnectZkRegistry goroutine exit now...")
					break LOOP
				case <-time.After(time.Duration(1e9 * failTimes * RegistryConnDelay)): // 防止疯狂重连zk
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				err = r.validateZookeeperClient()
				log.Info("ZkProviderRegistry.validateZookeeperClient(zkAddr{%s}) = error{%#v}",
					r.client.zkAddrs, jerrors.ErrorStack(err))
				if err == nil {
					// copy
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					for _, confIf = range {
						services = append(services, confIf)
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					flag = true
					for _, confIf = range services {
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						err = r.register(confIf)
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						if err != nil {
							log.Error("(ZkProviderRegistry)register(conf{%#v}) = error{%#v}",
								confIf, jerrors.ErrorStack(err))
							flag = false
					if flag {
				if MaxFailTimes <= failTimes {
					failTimes = MaxFailTimes
func (r *ZkRegistry) Register(conf config.URL) error {
	role, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.GetParam(constant.ROLE_KEY, ""))
	switch role {
	case config.CONSUMER:
		ok = false
		_, ok =[conf.Key()]
		if ok {
			return jerrors.Errorf("Path{%s} has been registered", conf.Path)

		err = r.register(conf)
		if err != nil {
			return jerrors.Trace(err)

		r.cltLock.Lock()[conf.Key()] = conf
		log.Debug("(consumerZkConsumerRegistry)Register(conf{%#v})", conf)

		listener = r.listener
		if listener != nil {
			go listener.listenServiceEvent(conf)
	case config.PROVIDER:

		// 检验服务是否已经注册过
		ok = false
		// 注意此处与consumerZookeeperRegistry的差异,consumer用的是conf.Path,
		// 因为consumer要提供watch功能给selector使用, provider允许注册同一个service的多个group or version
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		_, ok =[conf.Key()]
			return jerrors.Errorf("Path{%s} has been registered", conf.Key())

		err = r.register(conf)
		if err != nil {
			return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "register(conf:%+v)", conf)

vito.he's avatar
vito.he committed[conf.Key()] = conf

		log.Debug("(ZkProviderRegistry)Register(conf{%#v})", conf)

	return nil

func (r *ZkRegistry) register(c config.URL) error {
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	var (
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		params     url.Values
		urlPath    string
		rawURL     string
		encodedURL string
		dubboPath  string
		//conf       config.URL
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	err = r.validateZookeeperClient()
	if err != nil {
		return jerrors.Trace(err)
	params = url.Values{}
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	params.Add("pid", processID)
	params.Add("ip", localIP)
	//params.Add("timeout", fmt.Sprintf("%d", int64(r.Timeout)/1e6))
	role, _ := strconv.Atoi(r.URL.GetParam(constant.ROLE_KEY, ""))
	switch role {
	case config.PROVIDER:
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		if c.Path == "" || len(c.Methods) == 0 {
			return jerrors.Errorf("conf{Path:%s, Methods:%s}", c.Path, c.Methods)
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		// 先创建服务下面的provider node
		dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo%s/%s", c.Path, config.DubboNodes[config.PROVIDER])
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		err = r.client.Create(dubboPath)
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		if err != nil {
			log.Error("zkClient.create(path{%s}) = error{%#v}", dubboPath, jerrors.ErrorStack(err))
			return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "zkclient.Create(path:%s)", dubboPath)
		params.Add("anyhost", "true")

		// dubbo java consumer来启动找provider url时,因为category不匹配,会找不到provider,导致consumer启动不了,所以使用consumers&providers
		// DubboRole               = [...]string{"consumer", "", "", "provider"}
		// params.Add("category", (RoleType(PROVIDER)).Role())
		params.Add("category", (config.RoleType(config.PROVIDER)).String())
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		params.Add("dubbo", "dubbo-provider-golang-"+version.Version)

		params.Add("side", (config.RoleType(config.PROVIDER)).Role())
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		if len(c.Methods) == 0 {
			params.Add("methods", strings.Join(c.Methods, ","))
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		log.Debug("provider zk url params:%#v", params)
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		var host string
		if c.Ip == "" {
			host = localIP + ":" + c.Port
		} else {
			host = c.Ip + ":" + c.Port
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		urlPath = c.Path
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		if r.zkPath[urlPath] != 0 {
			urlPath += strconv.Itoa(r.zkPath[urlPath])
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		rawURL = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s?%s", c.Protocol, host, urlPath, params.Encode())
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		encodedURL = url.QueryEscape(rawURL)

		// 把自己注册service providers
		dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo%s/%s", c.Path, (config.RoleType(config.PROVIDER)).String())
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		log.Debug("provider path:%s, url:%s", dubboPath, rawURL)

	case config.CONSUMER:
		dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo%s/%s", c.Path, config.DubboNodes[config.CONSUMER])
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		err = r.client.Create(dubboPath)
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		if err != nil {
			log.Error("zkClient.create(path{%s}) = error{%v}", dubboPath, jerrors.ErrorStack(err))
			return jerrors.Trace(err)
		dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo%s/%s", c.Path, config.DubboNodes[config.PROVIDER])
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		err = r.client.Create(dubboPath)
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		if err != nil {
			log.Error("zkClient.create(path{%s}) = error{%v}", dubboPath, jerrors.ErrorStack(err))
			return jerrors.Trace(err)

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		params.Add("protocol", c.Protocol)

		params.Add("category", (config.RoleType(config.CONSUMER)).String())
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		params.Add("dubbo", "dubbogo-consumer-"+version.Version)

		rawURL = fmt.Sprintf("consumer://%s%s?%s", localIP, c.Path, params.Encode())
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		encodedURL = url.QueryEscape(rawURL)

		dubboPath = fmt.Sprintf("/dubbo%s/%s", c.Path, (config.RoleType(config.CONSUMER)).String())
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		log.Debug("consumer path:%s, url:%s", dubboPath, rawURL)
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		return jerrors.Errorf("@c{%v} type is not referencer or provider", c)
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	err = r.registerTempZookeeperNode(dubboPath, encodedURL)

	if err != nil {
		return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "registerTempZookeeperNode(path:%s, url:%s)", dubboPath, rawURL)
	return nil

func (r *ZkRegistry) registerTempZookeeperNode(root string, node string) error {
	var (
		err    error
		zkPath string

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	defer r.cltLock.Unlock()
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	err = r.client.Create(root)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("zk.Create(root{%s}) = err{%v}", root, jerrors.ErrorStack(err))
		return jerrors.Trace(err)
	zkPath, err = r.client.RegisterTemp(root, node)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("RegisterTempNode(root{%s}, node{%s}) = error{%v}", root, node, jerrors.ErrorStack(err))
		return jerrors.Annotatef(err, "RegisterTempNode(root{%s}, node{%s})", root, node)
	log.Debug("create a zookeeper node:%s", zkPath)

	return nil

func (r *ZkRegistry) closeRegisters() {
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	defer r.cltLock.Unlock()
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	log.Info("begin to close provider zk client")
	// 先关闭旧client,以关闭tmp node
	r.client = nil = nil

func (r *ZkRegistry) IsClosed() bool {
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	select {
	case <-r.done:
		return true
		return false