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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
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package common

import (
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	perrors ""
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import (
// RPCService
// rpc service interface
type RPCService interface {
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	// Reference:
	// rpc service id or reference id
	Reference() string
// AsyncCallbackService callback interface for async
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type AsyncCallbackService interface {
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	// Callback: callback
	CallBack(response CallbackResponse)
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// CallbackResponse for different protocol
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type CallbackResponse interface{}
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// AsyncCallback async callback method
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type AsyncCallback func(response CallbackResponse)
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// for lowercase func
// func MethodMapper() map[string][string] {
//     return map[string][string]{}
// }
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const (
	METHOD_MAPPER = "MethodMapper"
var (
	// Precompute the reflect type for error. Can't use error directly
	// because Typeof takes an empty interface value. This is annoying.
	typeOfError = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()

	// ServiceMap store description of service.
	ServiceMap = &serviceMap{
		serviceMap:   make(map[string]map[string]*Service),
		interfaceMap: make(map[string][]*Service),
// info of method

// MethodType is description of service method.
type MethodType struct {
	method    reflect.Method
	ctxType   reflect.Type   // request context
	argsType  []reflect.Type // args except ctx, include replyType if existing
	replyType reflect.Type   // return value, otherwise it is nil
// Method gets @m.method.
func (m *MethodType) Method() reflect.Method {
	return m.method
// CtxType gets @m.ctxType.
func (m *MethodType) CtxType() reflect.Type {
	return m.ctxType
// ArgsType gets @m.argsType.
func (m *MethodType) ArgsType() []reflect.Type {
	return m.argsType
// ReplyType gets @m.replyType.
func (m *MethodType) ReplyType() reflect.Type {
	return m.replyType
// SuiteContext tranfers @ctx to reflect.Value type or get it from @m.ctxType.
func (m *MethodType) SuiteContext(ctx context.Context) reflect.Value {
	if contextv := reflect.ValueOf(ctx); contextv.IsValid() {
		return contextv
	return reflect.Zero(m.ctxType)
// info of service interface

// Service is description of service
type Service struct {
	name     string
	rcvr     reflect.Value
	rcvrType reflect.Type
	methods  map[string]*MethodType
// Method gets @s.methods.
func (s *Service) Method() map[string]*MethodType {
	return s.methods
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// Name will return service name
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func (s *Service) Name() string {

// RcvrType gets @s.rcvrType.
func (s *Service) RcvrType() reflect.Type {
	return s.rcvrType
// Rcvr gets @s.rcvr.
func (s *Service) Rcvr() reflect.Value {
	return s.rcvr

// serviceMap

type serviceMap struct {
	mutex        sync.RWMutex                   // protects the serviceMap
	serviceMap   map[string]map[string]*Service // protocol -> service name -> service
	interfaceMap map[string][]*Service          // interface -> service
// GetService gets a service defination by protocol and name
func (sm *serviceMap) GetService(protocol, interfaceName, group, version string) *Service {
	serviceKey := ServiceKey(interfaceName, group, version)
	return sm.GetServiceByServiceKey(protocol, serviceKey)

// GetService gets a service defination by protocol and service key
func (sm *serviceMap) GetServiceByServiceKey(protocol, serviceKey string) *Service {
	defer sm.mutex.RUnlock()
	if s, ok := sm.serviceMap[protocol]; ok {
		if srv, ok := s[serviceKey]; ok {
// GetInterface gets an interface definition by interface name
func (sm *serviceMap) GetInterface(interfaceName string) []*Service {
	defer sm.mutex.RUnlock()
	if s, ok := sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName]; ok {
		return s
	return nil

// Register registers a service by @interfaceName and @protocol
func (sm *serviceMap) Register(interfaceName, protocol, group, version string, rcvr RPCService) (string, error) {
	if sm.serviceMap[protocol] == nil {
		sm.serviceMap[protocol] = make(map[string]*Service)
	if sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName] == nil {
		sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName] = make([]*Service, 0, 16)

	s := new(Service)
	s.rcvrType = reflect.TypeOf(rcvr)
	s.rcvr = reflect.ValueOf(rcvr)
	sname := reflect.Indirect(s.rcvr).Type().Name()
	if sname == "" {
		s := "no service name for type " + s.rcvrType.String()
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		return "", perrors.New(s)
	if !isExported(sname) {
		s := "type " + sname + " is not exported"
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		return "", perrors.New(s)
	sname = ServiceKey(interfaceName, group, version)
	if server := sm.GetService(protocol, interfaceName, group, version); server != nil {
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		return "", perrors.New("service already defined: " + sname)
	} = sname
	s.methods = make(map[string]*MethodType)

	// Install the methods
	methods := ""
	methods, s.methods = suitableMethods(s.rcvrType)

	if len(s.methods) == 0 {
		s := "type " + sname + " has no exported methods of suitable type"
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		return "", perrors.New(s)
	sm.serviceMap[protocol][] = s
	sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName] = append(sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName], s)

	return strings.TrimSuffix(methods, ","), nil
// UnRegister cancels a service by @interfaceName, @protocol and @serviceId
func (sm *serviceMap) UnRegister(interfaceName, protocol, serviceKey string) error {
	if protocol == "" || serviceKey == "" {
		return perrors.New("protocol or serviceKey is nil")
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	var (
		err   error
		index = -1
		svcs  map[string]*Service
		svrs  []*Service
		ok    bool

	f := func() error {
		defer sm.mutex.RUnlock()
		svcs, ok = sm.serviceMap[protocol]
		if !ok {
			return perrors.New("no services for " + protocol)
		s, ok := svcs[serviceKey]
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		if !ok {
			return perrors.New("no service for " + serviceKey)
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		svrs, ok = sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName]
		if !ok {
			return perrors.New("no service for " + interfaceName)
		for i, svr := range svrs {
			if svr == s {
				index = i
		return nil
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	if err = f(); err != nil {
		return err

	defer sm.mutex.Unlock()
	sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName] = make([]*Service, 0, len(svrs))
		if i != index {
			sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName] = append(sm.interfaceMap[interfaceName], svrs[i])
	delete(svcs, serviceKey)
	if len(sm.serviceMap[protocol]) == 0 {
// Is this an exported - upper case - name
func isExported(name string) bool {
	s, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
	return unicode.IsUpper(s)

// Is this type exported or a builtin?
func isExportedOrBuiltinType(t reflect.Type) bool {
	for t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		t = t.Elem()
	// PkgPath will be non-empty even for an exported type,
	// so we need to check the type name as well.
	return isExported(t.Name()) || t.PkgPath() == ""

// suitableMethods returns suitable Rpc methods of typ
func suitableMethods(typ reflect.Type) (string, map[string]*MethodType) {
	methods := make(map[string]*MethodType)
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	logger.Debugf("[%s] NumMethod is %d", typ.String(), typ.NumMethod())
	method, ok := typ.MethodByName(METHOD_MAPPER)
	var methodMapper map[string]string
	if ok && method.Type.NumIn() == 1 && method.Type.NumOut() == 1 && method.Type.Out(0).String() == "map[string]string" {
		methodMapper = method.Func.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.New(typ.Elem())})[0].Interface().(map[string]string)

	for m := 0; m < typ.NumMethod(); m++ {
		method = typ.Method(m)
		if mt := suiteMethod(method); mt != nil {
			methodName, ok := methodMapper[method.Name]
			if !ok {
				methodName = method.Name
			methods[methodName] = mt
			mts = append(mts, methodName)
	return strings.Join(mts, ","), methods

// suiteMethod returns a suitable Rpc methodType
func suiteMethod(method reflect.Method) *MethodType {
	mtype := method.Type
	mname := method.Name
	inNum := mtype.NumIn()
	outNum := mtype.NumOut()

	// Method must be exported.
	if method.PkgPath != "" {
		return nil

	var (
		replyType, ctxType reflect.Type
		argsType           []reflect.Type

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	// this method is in RPCService
	// we force users must implement RPCService interface in their provider
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	// and RPCService has only one method "Reference"
	// In general, this method should not be exported to client
	// so we ignore this method
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	// see RPCService
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	if mname == "Reference" {
		return nil

	if outNum != 1 && outNum != 2 {
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		logger.Warnf("method %s of mtype %v has wrong number of in out parameters %d; needs exactly 1/2",
			mname, mtype.String(), outNum)
		return nil

	// The latest return type of the method must be error.
	if returnType := mtype.Out(outNum - 1); returnType != typeOfError {
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		logger.Warnf("the latest return type %s of method %q is not error", returnType, mname)
		return nil
		replyType = mtype.Out(0)
		if !isExportedOrBuiltinType(replyType) {
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			logger.Errorf("reply type of method %s not exported{%v}", mname, replyType)
	if inNum > 1 && mtype.In(1).String() == "context.Context" {
		ctxType = mtype.In(1)
		index = 2

	for ; index < inNum; index++ {
		argsType = append(argsType, mtype.In(index))
		// need not be a pointer.
		if !isExportedOrBuiltinType(mtype.In(index)) {
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			logger.Errorf("argument type of method %q is not exported %v", mname, mtype.In(index))
	return &MethodType{method: method, argsType: argsType, replyType: replyType, ctxType: ctxType}