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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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package remote

import (

import (

// MetadataService is a implement of metadata service which will delegate the remote metadata report
type MetadataService struct {
	inMemoryMetadataService *inmemory.MetadataService
	exportedRevision        atomic.String
	subscribedRevision      atomic.String
	delegateReport          *delegate.MetadataReport

// NewMetadataService will create a new remote MetadataService instance
func NewMetadataService() (*MetadataService, error) {
	mr, err := delegate.NewMetadataReport()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return &MetadataService{
		inMemoryMetadataService: inmemory.NewMetadataService(),
		delegateReport:          mr,
	}, nil

// setInMemoryMetadataService will replace the in memory metadata service by the specific param
func (mts *MetadataService) setInMemoryMetadataService(metadata *inmemory.MetadataService) {
	mts.inMemoryMetadataService = metadata

// ExportURL will be implemented by in memory service
func (mts *MetadataService) ExportURL(url common.URL) (bool, error) {
	return true, nil

// UnexportURL
func (mts *MetadataService) UnexportURL(url common.URL) error {
	smi := identifier.NewServiceMetadataIdentifier(url)
	smi.Revision = mts.exportedRevision.Load()
	return mts.delegateReport.RemoveServiceMetadata(smi)

// SubscribeURL will be implemented by in memory service
func (MetadataService) SubscribeURL(url common.URL) (bool, error) {
	return true, nil

// UnsubscribeURL will be implemented by in memory service
func (MetadataService) UnsubscribeURL(url common.URL) error {
	return nil

// PublishServiceDefinition will call remote metadata's StoreProviderMetadata to store url info and service definition
func (mts *MetadataService) PublishServiceDefinition(url common.URL) error {
	interfaceName := url.GetParam(constant.INTERFACE_KEY, "")
	isGeneric := url.GetParamBool(constant.GENERIC_KEY, false)
	if len(interfaceName) > 0 && !isGeneric {
		service := common.ServiceMap.GetService(url.Protocol, url.GetParam(constant.BEAN_NAME_KEY, url.Service()))
		sd := definition.BuildServiceDefinition(*service, url)
		id := &identifier.MetadataIdentifier{
			BaseMetadataIdentifier: identifier.BaseMetadataIdentifier{
				ServiceInterface: interfaceName,
				Version:          url.GetParam(constant.VERSION_KEY, ""),
				Group:            url.GetParam(constant.GROUP_KEY, ""),
		mts.delegateReport.StoreProviderMetadata(id, sd)
	logger.Errorf("publishProvider interfaceName is empty . providerUrl:%v ", url)
	return nil

// GetExportedURLs will be implemented by in memory service
func (MetadataService) GetExportedURLs(serviceInterface string, group string, version string, protocol string) (*skip.SkipList, error) {
	return nil, nil

// GetSubscribedURLs will be implemented by in memory service
func (MetadataService) GetSubscribedURLs() (*skip.SkipList, error) {
	return nil, nil

// GetServiceDefinition will be implemented by in memory service
func (MetadataService) GetServiceDefinition(interfaceName string, group string, version string) (string, error) {
	return "", nil

// GetServiceDefinitionByServiceKey will be implemented by in memory service
func (MetadataService) GetServiceDefinitionByServiceKey(serviceKey string) (string, error) {
	return "", nil

// RefreshMetadata will refresh the exported & subscribed metadata to remote metadata report from the inmemory metadata service
func (mts *MetadataService) RefreshMetadata(exportedRevision string, subscribedRevision string) bool {
	result := true
	if len(exportedRevision) != 0 && exportedRevision != mts.exportedRevision.Load() {
		urls, err := mts.inMemoryMetadataService.GetExportedURLs(constant.ANY_VALUE, "", "", "")
		if err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("Error occur when execute remote.MetadataService.RefreshMetadata, error message is %v", err)
			result = false
		iterator := urls.Iter(inmemory.Comparator{})
		logger.Infof("urls length = %v", urls.Len())
		for {
			if !iterator.Next() {
			url := iterator.Value().(inmemory.Comparator)
			id := identifier.NewServiceMetadataIdentifier(common.URL(url))
			id.Revision = mts.exportedRevision.Load()
			if err := mts.delegateReport.SaveServiceMetadata(id, common.URL(url)); err != nil {
				logger.Errorf("Error occur when execute remote.MetadataService.RefreshMetadata, error message is %v", err)
				result = false


	if len(subscribedRevision) != 0 && subscribedRevision != mts.subscribedRevision.Load() {
		urls, err := mts.inMemoryMetadataService.GetSubscribedURLs()
		if err != nil {
			logger.Errorf("Error occur when execute remote.MetadataService.RefreshMetadata, error message is %v", err)
			result = false
		if urls != nil && urls.Len() > 0 {
			id := &identifier.SubscriberMetadataIdentifier{
				MetadataIdentifier: identifier.MetadataIdentifier{
					Application: config.GetApplicationConfig().Name,
				Revision: subscribedRevision,
			if err := mts.delegateReport.SaveSubscribedData(id, convertUrls(urls)); err != nil {
				logger.Errorf("Error occur when execute remote.MetadataService.RefreshMetadata, error message is %v", err)
				result = false
	return result

// Version will return the remote service version
func (MetadataService) Version() string {
	return "1.0.0"

// convertUrls will convert the skip list to slice
func convertUrls(list *skip.SkipList) []common.URL {
	urls := make([]common.URL, list.Len())
	iterator := list.Iter(inmemory.Comparator{})
	for {
		if iterator.Value() == nil {
		url := iterator.Value().(inmemory.Comparator)
		urls = append(urls, common.URL(url))
		if !iterator.Next() {
	return urls