* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
WhenCondition map[string]MatchPair
ThenCondition map[string]MatchPair
func NewConditionRouterWithRule(rule string) (*ConditionRouter, error) {
rule = strings.Replace(rule, "consumer.", "", -1)
rule = strings.Replace(rule, "provider.", "", -1)
i := strings.Index(rule, "=>")
if i > 0 {
whenRule = rule[0:i]
if i < 0 {
thenRule = rule
} else {
thenRule = rule[i+2:]
whenRule = strings.Trim(whenRule, " ")
thenRule = strings.Trim(thenRule, " ")
w, err := parseRule(whenRule)
if err != nil {
return nil, perrors.Errorf("%s", "")
t, err := parseRule(thenRule)
if err != nil {
return nil, perrors.Errorf("%s", "")
if len(whenRule) == 0 || "true" == whenRule {
when = make(map[string]MatchPair, 16)
if len(thenRule) == 0 || "false" == thenRule {
when = make(map[string]MatchPair, 16)
WhenCondition: when,
ThenCondition: then,
func NewConditionRouter(url *common.URL) (*ConditionRouter, error) {
rule, err := url.GetParamAndDecoded(constant.RULE_KEY)
if err != nil || len(rule) == 0 {
return nil, perrors.Errorf("Illegal route rule!")
router, err := NewConditionRouterWithRule(rule)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
router.url = url
router.priority = url.GetParamInt(PRIORITY, 0)
router.Force = url.GetParamBool(FORCE, false)
router.enabled = url.GetParamBool(ENABLED, true)
return router, nil
func (c *ConditionRouter) Enabled() bool {
return c.enabled
func (c *ConditionRouter) Route(invokers []protocol.Invoker, url *common.URL, invocation protocol.Invocation) []protocol.Invoker {
if len(invokers) == 0 {
return invokers
if !isMatchWhen {
return invokers
var result []protocol.Invoker
if len(c.ThenCondition) == 0 {
return result
for _, invoker := range invokers {
if isMatchThen {
result = append(result, invoker)
if len(result) > 0 {
return result
} else if c.Force {
logger.Warnf("The route result is empty and force execute. consumer: %s, service: %s, router: %s", localIP, url.Service(), rule)
return result
return invokers
func parseRule(rule string) (map[string]MatchPair, error) {
values := gxset.NewSet()
matches := routerPatternReg.FindAllSubmatch([]byte(rule), -1)
for _, groups := range matches {
separator := string(groups[1])
content := string(groups[2])
switch separator {
case "":
pair = MatchPair{
Matches: gxset.NewSet(),
Mismatches: gxset.NewSet(),
condition[content] = pair
case "&":
if r, ok := condition[content]; ok {
pair = r
} else {
Matches: gxset.NewSet(),
Mismatches: gxset.NewSet(),
condition[content] = pair
case "=":
if &pair == nil {
return nil, perrors.Errorf("Illegal route rule \"%s\", The error char '%s' at index %d before \"%d\".", rule, separator, startIndex, startIndex)
return nil, perrors.Errorf("Illegal route rule \"%s\", The error char '%s' at index %d before \"%d\".", rule, separator, startIndex, startIndex)
values = pair.Mismatches
if values.Empty() {
return nil, perrors.Errorf("Illegal route rule \"%s\", The error char '%s' at index %d before \"%d\".", rule, separator, startIndex, startIndex)
return nil, perrors.Errorf("Illegal route rule \"%s\", The error char '%s' at index %d before \"%d\".", rule, separator, startIndex, startIndex)
if indexTuple := routerPatternReg.FindIndex([]byte(rule)); len(indexTuple) > 0 {
func (c *ConditionRouter) MatchWhen(url *common.URL, invocation protocol.Invocation) bool {
condition := matchCondition(c.WhenCondition, url, nil, invocation)
return len(c.WhenCondition) == 0 || condition
func (c *ConditionRouter) MatchThen(url *common.URL, param *common.URL) bool {
condition := matchCondition(c.ThenCondition, url, param, nil)
return len(c.ThenCondition) > 0 && condition
func matchCondition(pairs map[string]MatchPair, url *common.URL, param *common.URL, invocation protocol.Invocation) bool {
// because url.ToMap() may return nil, but it should continue to process make condition
sample = make(map[string]string)
for key, matchPair := range pairs {
var sampleValue string
if invocation != nil && ((constant.METHOD_KEY == key) || (constant.METHOD_KEYS == key)) {
sampleValue = invocation.MethodName()
} else {
sampleValue = sample[key]
sampleValue = sample[constant.PREFIX_DEFAULT_KEY+key]
if !(matchPair.Matches.Empty()) {
Matches *gxset.HashSet
Mismatches *gxset.HashSet
func (pair MatchPair) isMatch(value string, param *common.URL) bool {
if !pair.Matches.Empty() && pair.Mismatches.Empty() {
for match := range pair.Matches.Items {
if matcher.IsMatchGlobalPattern(match.(string), value, param) {
return true
return false
if !pair.Mismatches.Empty() && pair.Matches.Empty() {
for mismatch := range pair.Mismatches.Items {
if matcher.IsMatchGlobalPattern(mismatch.(string), value, param) {
return false
return true
if !pair.Mismatches.Empty() && !pair.Matches.Empty() {
//when both mismatches and matches contain the same value, then using mismatches first
for mismatch := range pair.Mismatches.Items {
if matcher.IsMatchGlobalPattern(mismatch.(string), value, param) {
return false
for match := range pair.Matches.Items {
if matcher.IsMatchGlobalPattern(match.(string), value, param) {
return true
return false