fangyincheng authored
Imp: reduce protocol/dubbo/pool.go lock scope
client.go 8.62 KiB
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dubbo
import (
import (
perrors "github.com/pkg/errors"
import (
var (
errInvalidCodecType = perrors.New("illegal CodecType")
errInvalidAddress = perrors.New("remote address invalid or empty")
errSessionNotExist = perrors.New("session not exist")
errClientClosed = perrors.New("client closed")
errClientReadTimeout = perrors.New("client read timeout")
clientConf *ClientConfig
clientGrpool *gxsync.TaskPool
func init() {
// load clientconfig from consumer_config
// default use dubbo
consumerConfig := config.GetConsumerConfig()
if consumerConfig.ApplicationConfig == nil {
protocolConf := config.GetConsumerConfig().ProtocolConf
defaultClientConfig := GetDefaultClientConfig()
if protocolConf == nil {
logger.Info("protocol_conf default use dubbo config")
} else {
dubboConf := protocolConf.(map[interface{}]interface{})[DUBBO]
if dubboConf == nil {
logger.Warnf("dubboConf is nil")
dubboConfByte, err := yaml.Marshal(dubboConf)
if err != nil {
err = yaml.Unmarshal(dubboConfByte, &defaultClientConfig)
if err != nil {
clientConf = &defaultClientConfig
if err := clientConf.CheckValidity(); err != nil {
logger.Warnf("[CheckValidity] error: %v", err)
// SetClientConf ...
func SetClientConf(c ClientConfig) {
clientConf = &c
err := clientConf.CheckValidity()
if err != nil {
logger.Warnf("[ClientConfig CheckValidity] error: %v", err)
// GetClientConf ...
func GetClientConf() ClientConfig {
return *clientConf
func setClientGrpool() {
if clientConf.GrPoolSize > 1 {
clientGrpool = gxsync.NewTaskPool(gxsync.WithTaskPoolTaskPoolSize(clientConf.GrPoolSize), gxsync.WithTaskPoolTaskQueueLength(clientConf.QueueLen),
// Options ...
type Options struct {
// connect timeout
ConnectTimeout time.Duration
// request timeout
RequestTimeout time.Duration
//AsyncCallbackResponse async response for dubbo
type AsyncCallbackResponse struct {
Opts Options
Cause error
Start time.Time // invoke(call) start time == write start time
ReadStart time.Time // read start time, write duration = ReadStart - Start
Reply interface{}
// Client ...
type Client struct {
opts Options
conf ClientConfig
pool *gettyRPCClientPool
sequence atomic.Uint64
pendingResponses *sync.Map
// NewClient ...
func NewClient(opt Options) *Client {
switch {
case opt.ConnectTimeout == 0:
opt.ConnectTimeout = 3 * time.Second
case opt.RequestTimeout == 0:
opt.RequestTimeout = 3 * time.Second
c := &Client{
opts: opt,
pendingResponses: new(sync.Map),
conf: *clientConf,
c.pool = newGettyRPCClientConnPool(c, clientConf.PoolSize, time.Duration(int(time.Second)*clientConf.PoolTTL))
return c
// Request ...
type Request struct {
addr string
svcUrl common.URL
method string
args interface{}
atta map[string]string
// NewRequest ...
func NewRequest(addr string, svcUrl common.URL, method string, args interface{}, atta map[string]string) *Request {
return &Request{
addr: addr,
svcUrl: svcUrl,
method: method,
args: args,
atta: atta,
// Response ...
type Response struct {
reply interface{}
atta map[string]string
// NewResponse ...
func NewResponse(reply interface{}, atta map[string]string) *Response {
return &Response{
reply: reply,
atta: atta,
// call one way
func (c *Client) CallOneway(request *Request) error {
return perrors.WithStack(c.call(CT_OneWay, request, NewResponse(nil, nil), nil))
// if @response is nil, the transport layer will get the response without notify the invoker.
func (c *Client) Call(request *Request, response *Response) error {
ct := CT_TwoWay
if response.reply == nil {
ct = CT_OneWay
return perrors.WithStack(c.call(ct, request, response, nil))
// AsyncCall ...
func (c *Client) AsyncCall(request *Request, callback common.AsyncCallback, response *Response) error {
return perrors.WithStack(c.call(CT_TwoWay, request, response, callback))
func (c *Client) call(ct CallType, request *Request, response *Response, callback common.AsyncCallback) error {
p := &DubboPackage{}
p.Service.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(request.svcUrl.Path, "/")
p.Service.Interface = request.svcUrl.GetParam(constant.INTERFACE_KEY, "")
p.Service.Version = request.svcUrl.GetParam(constant.VERSION_KEY, "")
p.Service.Group = request.svcUrl.GetParam(constant.GROUP_KEY, "")
p.Service.Method = request.method
p.Service.Timeout = c.opts.RequestTimeout
var timeout = request.svcUrl.GetParam(strings.Join([]string{constant.METHOD_KEYS, request.method + constant.RETRIES_KEY}, "."), "")
if len(timeout) != 0 {
if t, err := time.ParseDuration(timeout); err == nil {
p.Service.Timeout = t
p.Header.SerialID = byte(S_Dubbo)
p.Body = hessian.NewRequest(request.args, request.atta)
var rsp *PendingResponse
if ct != CT_OneWay {
p.Header.Type = hessian.PackageRequest_TwoWay
rsp = NewPendingResponse()
rsp.response = response
rsp.callback = callback
} else {
p.Header.Type = hessian.PackageRequest
var (
err error
session getty.Session
conn *gettyRPCClient
conn, session, err = c.selectSession(request.addr)
if err != nil {
return perrors.WithStack(err)
if session == nil {
return errSessionNotExist
defer func() {
if err == nil {
if err = c.transfer(session, p, rsp); err != nil {
return perrors.WithStack(err)
if ct == CT_OneWay || callback != nil {
return nil
select {
case <-getty.GetTimeWheel().After(c.opts.RequestTimeout):
err = errClientReadTimeout
case <-rsp.done:
err = rsp.err
return perrors.WithStack(err)
// Close ...
func (c *Client) Close() {
if c.pool != nil {
c.pool = nil
func (c *Client) selectSession(addr string) (*gettyRPCClient, getty.Session, error) {
rpcClient, err := c.pool.getGettyRpcClient(DUBBO, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, perrors.WithStack(err)
return rpcClient, rpcClient.selectSession(), nil
func (c *Client) heartbeat(session getty.Session) error {
return c.transfer(session, nil, NewPendingResponse())
func (c *Client) transfer(session getty.Session, pkg *DubboPackage,
rsp *PendingResponse) error {
var (
sequence uint64
err error
sequence = c.sequence.Add(1)
if pkg == nil {
pkg = &DubboPackage{}
pkg.Body = hessian.NewRequest([]interface{}{}, nil)
pkg.Body = []interface{}{}
pkg.Header.Type = hessian.PackageHeartbeat
pkg.Header.SerialID = byte(S_Dubbo)
pkg.Header.ID = int64(sequence)
// cond1
if rsp != nil {
rsp.seq = sequence
err = session.WritePkg(pkg, c.opts.RequestTimeout)
if err != nil {
} else if rsp != nil { // cond2
// cond2 should not merged with cond1. cause the response package may be returned very
// soon and it will be handled by other goroutine.
rsp.readStart = time.Now()
return perrors.WithStack(err)
func (c *Client) addPendingResponse(pr *PendingResponse) {
c.pendingResponses.Store(SequenceType(pr.seq), pr)
func (c *Client) removePendingResponse(seq SequenceType) *PendingResponse {
if c.pendingResponses == nil {
return nil
if presp, ok := c.pendingResponses.Load(seq); ok {
return presp.(*PendingResponse)
return nil