├── configs ---- Common configuration for different platform app
├── linker_scripts ---- 编译app使用的链接脚本
├── linker_scripts ---- Compile the linker script app used
├── prebuilt ---- 预编译好的内核镜像
├── prebuilt ---- Precompiled kernel mirroring
├── rtconfig.h ---- app使用的公共配置文件
├── rtconfig.h ---- Public configuration file app used
├── sdk ---- 开发app使用的sdk
├── sdk ---- sdk used while developing app
├── smart-env.bat ---- 配置Win上环境变量的脚本
├── smart-env.bat ---- Configure the script for environment variables on Win
├── smart-env.sh ---- 配置Linux上环境变量的脚本
├── smart-env.sh ---- Confiure the script for environment variables on Linux
└── tools ---- 开发app使用的脚本工具
└── tools ---- Script tools used while developing app
├── get_toolchain.py ---- 下载工具链的脚本
├── get_toolchain.py ---- Script for downloading the toolchain
└── gnu_gcc ---- 下载下来的工具链存放的路径
└── gnu_gcc ---- Path where the downloaded toolchain is located
### 配置工具链
### Configure Toolchain
在userapps\tools目录下运行get_toolchain.py的脚本,会下载对应的工具链并展开到userapps\tools\gun_gcc目录。后面的工具链名称可以是 arm | riscv64。
Running get_toolchain.py script in the userapps\tools directory, the corresponding toolchain will be downloaded and expanded to the userapps\tools\gun_gcc directory. The toolchain can be named arm | riscv64.
In this article, we're taking the RISC-V platform as an example and entering the following command:
python get_toolchain.py riscv64
python get_toolchain.py riscv64
在userapps目录下,运行smart-env.bat配置工具链路径,目前支持的参数可以是 arm | riscv64
In the userapps directory, run smart-env.bat to configure the toolchain path, and the currently supported parameter is arm | riscv64
smart-env.bat riscv64
smart-env.bat riscv64
Here you can use the set command to check if the RTT_EXEC_PATH is successfully set.
Compile with scons in the rtthread-smart\userapps directory, and if the compilation runs well, you will get a series of executable elf files in the root folder.
In the prebuilt directory of this repository, there is a pre-built kernel mirror qemu-virt64-riscv\rtthread.bin for the QEMU RISC-V platform, you can quickly start with RISC-V with QEMU platform.
In the tools\fatdisk directory there is a tool fatdisk .exe that packages FAT format files, which we can use to package the files we want to store in the QEMU SD card into sd.bin files.
Re-download [zlib1.dll Files](https://www.dlldownloader.com/zlib1-dll/) and place them in the C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folders. https://www.githubstatus.com/