v5.46.069484227 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.46.0 [Diff since v5.45.1](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.45.1...v5.46.0) **Closed issues:** - Kubatko, Yeager and Ketcheson SSPRK tracker (#715) - New 4th and 5th Order KenCarps! (#860) - Explicit RK method for singularity at the start (#1255) - Migrate to travis-ci.com (#1284) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix naming ambiguity between algorithms of the same author (#1302) (@grimmmyshini) - Add docs folder (#1303) (@mkg33) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "StaticArrays" to "1.0" (#1304) (@github-actions[bot]) - MassInstallAction: Install the GitHubActionsCI workflow on this repository (#1305) (@christopher-dG) - Change initialization of heaps and add interface for DelayDiffEq (#1307) (@devmotion)
v5.45.12112e646 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.45.1 [Diff since v5.45.0](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.45.0...v5.45.1) **Closed issues:** - Progress bar assumes that initial time is zero (#1298) - ImplicitMidpoint fails with autodiff=false (#1300) **Merged pull requests:** - Take initial time into account when calculating progress fraction (#1299) (@eschnett) - fix ImplicitMidpoint(autodiff=false) (#1301) (@ranocha)
v5.45.0e3be8372 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.45.0 [Diff since v5.44.0](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.44.0...v5.45.0) **Merged pull requests:** - fix type inference issues (#1296) (@mohamed82008) - Make composite ode_interpolant type stable (#1297) (@mohamed82008)
v5.44.0444743d5 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.44.0 [Diff since v5.43.0](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.43.0...v5.44.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Add source article for RKO65 (#1288) (@Gyoshi) - add a downstream test on DelayDiffEq autoswitch handling (#1290) (@ChrisRackauckas) - implement post-stage and post-step limiters for 2N methods (#1293) (@ranocha) - MassInstallAction: Install the TagBot workflow on this repository (#1294) (@christopher-dG)
v5.43.0c31299ef · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.43.0 [Diff since v5.42.10](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.10...v5.43.0) **Closed issues:** - continuous callbacks are broken for LowStorageRK2NCache (#1279) - FSAL of LowStorageRK2NCache? (#1281) - stage_limiter! and step_limiter! for SSPRK methods should get p as argument (#1285) **Merged pull requests:** - fix 2N adaptive step size methods (#1282) (@ranocha) - 2N methods are really not FSAL anymore (#1286) (@ranocha) - SSPRK methods: non-FSAL and p as argument in limiters (#1287) (@ranocha)
v5.42.10befd878b · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.10 [Diff since v5.42.9](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.9...v5.42.10) **Closed issues:** - resize! is broken for LowStorageRK2NCache (#1277) **Merged pull requests:** - support resize! with non-Int size; help wanted (#1275) (@ranocha) - fix resize! for LowStorageRK2NCache; closes #1277 (#1278) (@ranocha)
v5.42.966ed00b2 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.9 [Diff since v5.42.8](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.8...v5.42.9) **Closed issues:** - RadauIIA3 and RadauIIA5: MethodError when solving out-of-place problems with callbacks (#1273) **Merged pull requests:** - Fix AD of the Radau integrators (#1267) (@andreasnoack) - fix get_du for 2N inplace methods (#1272) (@ranocha) - Ambiguity fix for Radau tmp_cache (#1274) (@ChrisRackauckas)
v5.42.837c43866 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.8 [Diff since v5.42.7](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.7...v5.42.8) **Merged pull requests:** - See if GPU tests pass on v1.5 (#1262) (@ChrisRackauckas) - Fix some AD issues with KenCarpX and TRBDF2 integrators (#1264) (@andreasnoack) - unroll composite cache perform_step cal to allow inference (#1265) (@ChrisRackauckas) - Remove an extra branch in `unwrap_alg ` (#1268) (@YingboMa)
v5.42.73f458053 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.7 [Diff since v5.42.6](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.6...v5.42.7) **Closed issues:** - Rodas5 fails with autodiff=true when ODE depends on t (#1221) - Cannot use callbacks with linear exponential algorithms (#1247) - Stiffness detection fails when autodiff=false (#1260) **Merged pull requests:** - add OrdinaryDiffEqLinearExponentialAlgorithm abstract type (#1248) (@kleinhenz) - Higher order calculations in ImplicitEulerExtrapolation (#1254) (@utkarsh530) - fix nested AD with Rosenbrock gradient calculation (#1259) (@ChrisRackauckas)
v5.42.628bce733 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.6 [Diff since v5.42.5](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.5...v5.42.6) **Merged pull requests:** - Add reinitialization for AutoSwitch (#1258) (@YingboMa)
v5.42.58e600515 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.5 [Diff since v5.42.4](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.4...v5.42.5) **Closed issues:** - PositiveDomain() callback interferes with 'saveat' (#1252) **Merged pull requests:** - Unnecessary type promotion causes issues with Callbacks + Tracker (#1257) (@avik-pal)
v5.42.4f4571ac6 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.4 [Diff since v5.42.3](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.3...v5.42.4) **Merged pull requests:** - Allocation fixes in Implicit Extrapolation Methods (#1246) (@utkarsh530) - Switch to DataStructures 0.18 (#1250) (@devmotion) - Allocation fixes in controllers for Hairer Wanner Methods (#1251) (@utkarsh530)
v5.42.39b1e35e7 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.3 [Diff since v5.42.2](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.2...v5.42.3) **Closed issues:** - Possible bug in PI_stepsize_controller! (#1242) **Merged pull requests:** - CG3 [WIP] (#1240) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Fixes in ImplicitEulerBarycentricExtrapolation (#1243) (@utkarsh530) - Order and step-sizing fixes in Implicit Euler Extrapolation Methods (#1244) (@utkarsh530) - Fix similar->zero causing NaN dt (#1245) (@utkarsh530)
v5.42.2c3b05697 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.2 [Diff since v5.42.1](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.1...v5.42.2) **Closed issues:** - Missing `copyto!` when `save_everystep=false` (#1228) - solve errors with StaticArrays (#1234) - Non-concrete array partition in-place interpolation fails due to element type calculation (#1238) **Merged pull requests:** - CG2 (#1227) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Fix ambiguous definition error in LSRK (#1229) (@kanav99) - Update step-sizing in Implicit Euler Extrapolation (#1230) (@utkarsh530) - [WIP] Add duprev, update du and user provided jacobians for DAEAlgorithms (#1231) (@kanav99) - [WIP] Implicit Euler Barycentric Extrapolation (#1232) (@utkarsh530) - Update work calculation and minor fix (#1233) (@utkarsh530) - Fix tests in ImplicitEulerExtrapolation (#1235) (@utkarsh530) - similar->zero (#1236) (@ChrisRackauckas) - Fix Julia 1.5 Tests (#1237) (@kanav99) - Fixed order convergence issue in Implicit Euler Barycentric Extrapolation (#1239) (@utkarsh530) - more robust interpolation eltype choice (#1241) (@ChrisRackauckas)
v5.42.1719a0189 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.1 [Diff since v5.42.0](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.42.0...v5.42.1) **Closed issues:** - Rodas5 promotes static arrays to arrays when autodiff=false (#1219) - VectorContinuousCallback doesn't work for complex valued solution (#1222) **Merged pull requests:** - Rkmk2 (#1216) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Update Work Calculation in ImplicitEulerExtrapolation (#1217) (@utkarsh530) - RKMK4 [WIP] (#1218) (@Biswajitghosh98) - fix t-typed values in sdirk tableaus? (#1220) (@ChrisRackauckas) - Extend tests to cover autodiff=false for StaticArrays (#1223) (@andreasnoack) - make CallbackCache real (#1224) (@kleinhenz) - Use AD in initialization when the DAE algorithm uses AD (#1225) (@YingboMa) - LieRK4 (#1226) (@Biswajitghosh98)
v5.42.05634d7dd · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.42.0 [Diff since v5.41.0](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.41.0...v5.42.0) **Closed issues:** - Removed specialized tuple input handling -> ArrayPartition (#504) **Merged pull requests:** - New KenCarp4 (#1177) (@utkarsh530) - skip computations if functionmap is EvalFunc(identity) (#1180) (@ChrisRackauckas) - add citation docstrings (#1181) (@ChrisRackauckas) - test second order ODEs with first order solvers (#1182) (@ChrisRackauckas) - Added MagnusGL6 (#1183) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Added MagnusNC6 (#1184) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Added MagnusGL8 (#1186) (@Biswajitghosh98) - New KenCarp5 (#1187) (@utkarsh530) - Added MagnusNC8 (#1188) (@Biswajitghosh98) - KenCarp47 & KenCarp58 Tests (#1189) (@utkarsh530) - Added MagnusGL4 (#1190) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Split methods test timeout fix in Travis (#1192) (@utkarsh530) - Add sequences for ImplicitEulerExtrapolation (#1199) (@utkarsh530) - DEstats update in Extrapolation Methods & fixes (#1200) (@utkarsh530) - Remake for Algorithms (#1201) (@kanav99) - Sequence factor option in explicit-extrapolation midpoint methods (#1202) (@utkarsh530) - Updating recalculating Jacobian in internal discretisation (#1203) (@utkarsh530) - Do not degrade compile time information to runtime information (#1204) (@YingboMa) - MagnusAdapt4[WIP] (#1205) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Use OrdinaryDiffEq's nlsolver if possible in ShampineCollocationInit (#1206) (@YingboMa) - add missing DPRKN6 cache print (#1207) (@ChrisRackauckas) - Update T calculation in adaptive step-sizing of Implicit Extrapolation Methods (#1208) (@utkarsh530) - Update Work Calculation in Implicit Extrapolation Methods (#1209) (@utkarsh530) - Fix overflow in Implicit Extrapolation methods (#1211) (@utkarsh530) - Add Gragg's smoothing to Implicit Hairer Wanner Extrapolation (#1212) (@utkarsh530) - [WIP] Multi-threading in Implicit Extrapolation Methods (#1213) (@utkarsh530) - Multi-threading for Implicit Extrapolation Methods (#1215) (@utkarsh530)
v5.41.0f9363031 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.41.0 [Diff since v5.40.0](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.40.0...v5.41.0) **Merged pull requests:** - [WIP] Fix quasi-constant step-size (#1158) (@utkarsh530) - Fix redundant copies of tdir_t in tstops heap (#1178) (@utkarsh530) - vec inside of WOperator (#1179) (@ChrisRackauckas)
v5.40.0ce44ab60 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.40.0 [Diff since v5.39.1](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.39.1...v5.40.0) **Closed issues:** - Trapezoid fails mass matrix tests (#1078) **Merged pull requests:** - Single GPU kernel call for low storage methods (#1153) (@kanav99) - Adaptive Radau (#1156) (@d-netto) - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Adapt" at version "1.1" (#1157) (@github-actions[bot]) - Fix Trapezoid mass matrix handling (#1160) (@YingboMa) - Update ABDF2 to the new nlsolver (#1161) (@YingboMa) - Adaptive RadauIIA3 (#1162) (@YingboMa) - Update QNDF1 to new multistep solver (#1163) (@utkarsh530) - Update QNDF2 to new multistep solver (#1164) (@utkarsh530) - Update QNDF to new nlsolver (#1165) (@utkarsh530) - Fix RHS in time-state dependent mass matrix tests (#1168) (@YingboMa) - Migrate to JuliaGPU's CI setup (#1169) (@christopher-dG) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Adapt" to "2.0" (#1174) (@github-actions[bot]) - MagnusGauss4 (#1175) (@Biswajitghosh98) - Remove allocations from RK4 residual adaptivity (#1176) (@ChrisRackauckas)
v5.39.17fd860d4 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.39.1 [Diff since v5.39.0](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.39.0...v5.39.1) **Merged pull requests:** - CompositeSolution AD hotfix (#1155) (@ChrisRackauckas)
v5.39.0afd8b064 · ·
## OrdinaryDiffEq v5.39.0 [Diff since v5.38.3](https://github.com/SciML/OrdinaryDiffEq.jl/compare/v5.38.3...v5.39.0) **Merged pull requests:** - Conditions for order and step change in NDFs (#1130) (@utkarsh530) - Update LICENSE [ci skip] (#1150) (@YingboMa) - add sensitivity solution constructor (#1152) (@ChrisRackauckas)